Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 90,555,321 Issue: 168 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y6
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Brain Dead

by ashoryu

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Avatar Difficulties: Kasuki Lu
It shouldn't have been that hard...

by fuzzy_green_glue


The Snood Squad
Always poking in others' business and constantly trying to find something wrong with anything that someone was doing. This got them into deep trouble that day. Never should they have messed with Byron the bossy Blumaroo.

by cheopspyramid


8 Steps to Ultimate DOOM!
Have you ever wanted to spook your friends, but have always failed? Maybe you would just like to improve on your skills?

by magicofexcalibur


It's embarrassing to go in there.

by wicked_dragonite

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