Lost Legacies: The Amulets - Part Five by diamond_rox
The five friends were clinging onto a seam in the bricks
of the Queen's castle, waiting for Nara to return from a quick scan of Faerieland.
"This is so not Neoquest," Trev muttered.
"Speaking of Neoquest, will you tell us about
'your world' now?" asked Matt, looking from Carrie to Trev.
"You start," Carrie muttered to Trev.
"Well, I heard that this Rainbow Swirly Thingy
was really valuable, so I tracked the one in my area and it happened to be Carrie's,
and I found out that it was in her SDB so I-"
"What's an SDB?" asked Matt.
"It stands for Safety Deposit Box, and you can
put your valuable stuff inside so you won't lose it. Every safety deposit box
has a key, so I also had to steal Carrie's SDB key to get it. Well, I got there
and Carrie happened to be in there as well, I don't know how, and we fought
for the Rainbow Swirly Thingy, but then it broke and took us here…to your world."
"It's strange really," continued Carrie, "I never
knew that the Rainbow Swirly Thingy was THAT powerful,"
Ravin shook her head. "In your world, everything
is fake," Trev and Carrie's eyes grew large. "I mean no offense, of course,
but this is the real world. Your world is imaginary, full of games and dreams
to be the richest Neopian. But what's the use in earning all that money in a
world where nothing really exists? Those Battledome weapons, they aren't real.
Not in your world. In our world everything is reality. Things that cross from
your world to our world become reality. In other words," she looked up at Trev
and Carrie, "You are now real."
Trev raised his eyebrow. "You mean that the Rainbow
Swirly Thingy was just a TOY?"
Ravin nodded.
"WHAT?" Trev hollered. "I received a message
from someone that it was the most powerful object imaginable!"
"Not in your world. In our world, it is." Ravin
said quietly.
"B-but I got a message…the person said that it
was even better than the Battle Peas put together," Trev muttered even quieter.
Ravin laughed. "Peas? All peas are nothing compared
to the Amulet. Even the Super Attack Pea. Trust me, I know what I'm saying."
Carrie looked disturbed. "Who gave you that message?"
she asked Trev.
He shrugged. "I dunno, it was left next to me.
I found it when I woke up,"
"Err…even if someone left you a message it would
be in a mailbox or on your doorstep, not right next to you, especially in the
morning." Ravin commented.
"Well, my owner probably found it outside and
gave it to me, since he saw my name was-" Trev stopped. "But my name wasn't
on it…"
"Exactly. Something's wrong. First of all, someone
tells you about an item that no one knows what it's for. But that person told
you when he or she knew that there was nothing in it for them. That person also
left a strange message right next to you in the middle of the night, when, I
assume, all the doors and windows to the house are locked. Doesn't this seem
all too much a bit planned to you?" Carrie asked.
Ravin nodded. "I think it is planned," she said
Matt spoke up for the first time in quite a while.
"Did you get the rainbow swirly thing in the end?"
"Yes, but then I broke it because of her," Trev
snapped, jerking his head in Carrie's direction, "And now we're stuck in your
stupid world where we're all thrown into a wild goose chase."
"You broke the Amulet?" Matt's eyes hardened.
"Yeah, and then all that swirly stuff…er…swirled
around us?" said Trev.
"How long has the Amulet existed in your world?"
Ravin asked.
"I saw it in the Hidden Tower about half a year
ago-" Began Carrie, but a voice behind her cut her off.
"Hmm, the same time the Space Faeries took over
Faerieland," said a voice behind them. Everyone turned around in surprise, but
it was just Nara, returned from her flight. "Sorry, I couldn't help saying that."
"Is that really the time that the Navy Ones took
over?" Ravin asked.
"Yup, and as I said before, when they touched
the Amulet, it just vanished, just like that." Nara snapped her fingers for
a more dramatic effect.
Trev snorted. "I wonder where it vanished off
to, eh? A DIFFERENT WORLD, MAYBE?" he said in a rhetorical tone.
"Maybe," Carrie replied in a sarcastic tone.
Trev scowled.
"So Someone left Trev a mysterious note about
the Amulet so he would steal it. Just as he steals it, he somehow breaks it
with Carrie and they are transported to another world, and that Someone obviously
knew that the Amulet could do that. In this other world, the Amulet is badly
needed. So…" Matt ranted, "It's obviously the Space Faerie Queen. Hmm, she wants
peace…the only way to do that is to bind the Space Faerie Amulet with the other
Amulets and have one brand new Rainbow Amulet…It seems that the only way we
can rid the real world from her is to remake the Amulet in this world and use
it against her."
Ravin smiled. "Nice thinking, little bro. I think
the only way to remake the Amulet is in Fyora's hidden tower, where they fused
together in the first place. Let's go get the Faerie Amulets!" and with that
she flew off the wall of the Castle and away from Faerieland.
"Hey! Where are you going?!" Trev shouted.
"Did you really think that I had the Amulets
on me?" Ravin shouted back.
An old Scorchio was fast asleep and snoring in
his armchair when a sharp rap knocked at his door. Grunting, he got up and opened
the door slightly.
"Who goes there?" he muttered drowsily. Seeing
a Zafara, he chuckled and stepped aside. "Well, I might've known, what're you
doing here, Ravin? I thought you'd been caught by the authorities,"
Ravin nodded. "I was, but then with a bit of
help I managed to escape. Do you mind if my friends come in as well? It's rather
Four more friends trudged into the small bungalow
and looked around, fascinated. It had been walled off into two sections, one
for living quarters, and the other seemed to be for storage of all different
sorts of things from jellies to armour.
Trev had a temptation to grab the silk bag off
his waist and rob everything and run away, but then he remembered that his bag
was still outside the SDB building where he had left it, and also that the SDB
building was in another world. Sighing, he sat down on a moth-eaten couch next
to his companions.
"So, what brings you here that's so important?"
The bearded Scorchio asked, sinking into his couch.
"Well, I've come for my Amulets back, and it
would be handy if we could have some armour as well," Ravin added.
The faded red Scorchio was flabbergasted. "But
you know the case! They're much safer with me," he protested.
Ravin shook her head. "We finally figured out
how to get rid of the Darkness in this world, do you really want to pass the
chance? Old friend, I know you want things to remain peaceful, but this is the
only way,"
The Scorchio shook his head vigorously, beard
swinging side to side. "Fine, I trust you, but you must remember to be careful."
Getting slowly up, he went into the other half of the bungalow and came out
after quite a while with a heap of weapons. Spreading them across the carpet
floor, he held each one out and handed them to different people. "Aha, Ravin,
you can have all the Amulets. And here…Ahh," he looked at Trev. "For a small
speedy pet of agility, I think a small speedy weapon would suit you…aha, here
you go."
Trev looked at the small sad-looking green soggy
vegetable in his hand. What made it look sadder was it's dirty torn red cape.
"Sorry about the age. It's not that old, really,
just un-used. If you throw it, even though it's the most effective way of using
it, you might lose it. I suggest you hook a thin thread through the corner of
the cape so you can swing it. Much easier for finding after you've thrown it."
"This reminds me of a yo-yo," Trev muttered to
Carrie in an undertone when the Scorchio had turned to Matt, "even though it
IS the Super Attack Pea,"
"And for you," the old red pet looked at the
baby Zafara with a raised eyebrow. "Hold on a second," and he rushed back into
his storage room. When he came back out, he had a pink plastic-looking ray gun
that seemed to be wrenched from the hands of a toddler. The Scorchio must have
sensed Matt thinking this and said smugly, "It once belonged to Boochi himself,"
Matt was soon happily admiring his ray-gun as
Carrie was being given her weapon.
"For the valiant, brave and considerate, you
deserve Illusion's Staff, which heals as much as it does damage." Carrie took
the magical knobbly piece of wood into her hands and immediately felt warmth
in her fingers.
Turning to Nara, the Scorchio chuckled. "What
else for a Fire Faerie than the Greater Orb of the Fire Faerie?" Nara grasped
the weapon with a dancing smile in her eyes.
"Last but not least, Ravin. Well, I think that
you want your old blade and shield back, don't you? Oh no, I've forgotten the
armour. Well, take your shield as well and I'll hand the rest out." He gave
Ravin a Ghostkersword and a Ghostkershield to go with it.
"Sorry about this, I must be growing old. Who
ever heard of giving out weapons with no armour? Tsk tsk…here you go," he said,
as he handed Matt a Mask of Coltzan. "Does great against evil, should go well
with your ray-gun to get close enough to zap them into childhood."
Turning to Nara again, he tapped his chin for
a moment. "Here, it is incredibly valuable. It will heal you fully, but it takes
a while to recharge." The Scorchio handed Nara a glowing light blue crystal
on a black string.
Carrie gasped. "Thyora's Tear!"
"Aha, the brave and valiant once more. Well,
you already have a good defense from the Staff, so I think if I couple this
with a Wand of the Dark Faerie for you to wreak some insane havoc." Trev was
literally itching to get his hands on another weapon. "Hmm, for you, I think
no one can get close enough to you to do any real damage. I think a Seasonal
Attack Pea will go well."
Trev was shocked. "How can you just GIVE all
this to us? That's insanity! It must cost a fortune!"
"Well, actually, fighting for fun has never been
such a 'sport' around here, once you're dead, you're dead, and people only realize
that when it's too late to go back. We only got weapons to defend ourselves
in time of need, but that time has come and gone-we are too scared to do anything
about it now. All the weapons added up together are barely worth what one of
them cost, a pity, really." The Scorchio heaved a sigh. "But at least I know
it's going to a good cost-or I hope it is," he gave a stern look to them all.
The five friends smiled sheepishly.
"I advise you wait till pitch dark until you
embark on your adventure. You may stay here and rest-and I have no doubt that
you are all famished." Matt's baby face broke into a huge grin.
"Yes please!"
To be continued...