Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 90,554,371 Issue: 172 | 7th day of Sleeping, Y7
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Neopia Now!

Hello and welcome to Neopia Now! Here at NN we hope to provide you with all the latest news, gossip, and – most important of all – entertainment.

by tambourine_chimp
Taking Advantage of the Neopian Economy

At every moment, the vast economic processes of Neopia are going on all around you. Inflation, deflation, buying, selling, trading, stocks, games, jobs, donations, prizes, gambling... all seem a bit much for you?

by demoncrowley
The Lesser-Known Petpets: Zamillion

What’s this that just came out of the Cooking Pot? Why... it’s a Zamillion!

by simsman24000
Is Gambling Worth the Risks?

Are you a gambling addict? Do you love the thrill of wagering your precious neopoints in games of chance like Bilge Dice, Double or Nothing and Dice-A-Roo? Do you know someone who does? I know I certainly do!

by nyvarras
Zurroball Assistance

Zurroball is a game where you click a ball and it bounces up. You try and see how long you can get it to bounce until it touches the ground. Sounds simple, right? There is much more strategy involved.

by dark_cows
The Ultimate Fruits Guide

In Neopia, there is a large pool of different fruit species originating from different worlds. I am a professor from the University of Tiki Taku Island, and I’m going to bring you on an expedition through the lush rainforests of Mystery Island to the berry bushes of Meridell.

by stealth_commander
When Good Meepits Go Bad...

There are a lot of rumours about Meepits. Are all of those true?

by maazigazzz
Fyoras Quest: Conquering the Faerie Caves

In this thrilling game brought back to life with new graphics and brand new puzzles you are to guide Quaglor through each level collecting the Gems, Treasure Chests and different Keys...

by neomaniac1603
Why Gnome Collecting is the Next Big Thing

Gnomes are not just those potato-shaped “little people” in funny pointed hats and boots that the crazy old lady down the street collects. No my friend, they are much more...

by aushri
Guide to Profiting off of Retired Items

Retired items may not make tons of profit right away, but they will in the long run...

by jelly_bean_qween
The Neocola Machine

Nobody knows how this mystifying machine works. It is located in the middle of Kreludor, the only moon of Neopia...

by jefrommei12
Seven Dreadful Days

Each day is more dreadful than the other, except for one of them; the challenge is for you to figure out which one...

by orginalcliche
Help Rebuild Maraqua

What is my inspiration of Maraqua? What made me drawn to the ocean? My great-grandmother, Aliyah! She had told my grandmother this story and it was passed down to my mother and then to myself...

by drops_of_caramel
Search the Neopian Times


"The Sock Puppets" by mystics_magic
"I know, I know, I'm late!" she groaned, hanging up her drenched coat. "I was caught in the rain, so deal with that okay?"

Other Stories


The First King of Geraptiku
So what is known about the ruined city of Geraptiku? Historians believe that a king ruled with an advisor and council of twelve. But what was the king like?

by star_crystal


The Sock Puppets
"Well, I've won. So now, you've got to listen to everything I say, forever."

by mystics_magic


Hannah Meets Hannah: Part One
"Hannah, the real Hannah, is coming to Neopia Central TODAY!" replied Hannah Jewel. "You can meet her in person and get her autograph for FREE!"

by alicia_jewel


Hearts of Destiny: The Beginning - Part Three
"They are coming… I can see them… Go now and greet them my dear."

by nighthawk_moonshadow


Life With Your Neopets
Sloth's ray gun works in a different way with Snorkles...

by x_melina_x


Re@llY Cr@zY
I can detect danger from MILES away...

by sukuyumaruchan

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