Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 90,554,371 Issue: 172 | 7th day of Sleeping, Y7
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Short Stories


Isn't there more honor in being strong and taking a stand against war and fighting and standing up for peace? It takes more character to stand up for what they believe in, not flow with the crowd.

by _peregrintook_
The Friendship Quest

"We are a great team at doing her quests," said the Zafara, whose name was Mitzi. The two friends smiled at each other as they finished eating.

by mistystar555

Everyone stared at him sympathetically. Leanardo was an incredibly unlucky Kadoatie. His owner had already left him at the Kadoatery for two weeks...

by blubblub317
The Ixi of Doom Hits the Ground Running

"Well? What are you waiting for? Get to the track!" he shouted. The pets in group one grumbled a bit as they trotted over to the starting line. Zarrelian gulped, nervously eyeing the other students in his heat.

by battlesunn
Out on the Battlefield

 I actually never agreed to be on the thieves' side. I didn't want to help them. I wanted to help the Bori and Hannah. But, a family tradition was a family tradition and no one could change that...

by sirussblack
The Sock Puppets

"Well, I've won. So now, you've got to listen to everything I say, forever."

by mystics_magic
The First King of Geraptiku

So what is known about the ruined city of Geraptiku? Historians believe that a king ruled with an advisor and council of twelve. But what was the king like?

by star_crystal
Mistress of the Double-Cross

Up on a snow covered hill stood a green Acara, silhouette fading into the night sky. Her cold blue eyes did not reflect the light of the moon...

by eternally_forgotten
Parade of Light

"Now we'll just have to decide who will be first. Mind you, to be the lead, you have to be dedicated and willing to work hard since you will be singing a couple of solos."

by shadowcristal
Sir Chickenhead

Well, not only am I trapped in space with no sky and just metal all around me, but of all the job offers I could have picked, I chose one where I was working for Dr. Sloth. That makes life interesting...

by child_dragon
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"Parade of Light" by shadowcristal
"Now we'll just have to decide who will be first. Mind you, to be the lead, you have to be dedicated and willing to work hard..."

Other Stories


Guide to Profiting off of Retired Items
Retired items may not make tons of profit right away, but they will in the long run...

by jelly_bean_qween


Taking Advantage of the Neopian Economy
At every moment, the vast economic processes of Neopia are going on all around you. Inflation, deflation, buying, selling, trading, stocks, games, jobs, donations, prizes, gambling... all seem a bit much for you?

by demoncrowley


Midwinter War: Part Two
The forest was a refreshing change from the desolate village and the endless plain. It kind of reminded him of how he had gotten here. What was this place?

by shadowcristal


Change of Tune: Part Two
"I'll make you a deal then. If you get Fernypoo to like you," he leaned in closer and whispered in my ear, "I'll get you any paint brush you want."

by twirlsncurls5


Neo Nutters
Keep an eye on it...

by nano_cat


What's happening on top of Snowager's cave?

by wicked_dragonite

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