Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 90,555,321 Issue: 168 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y6
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Icy Daze

by bry_zee86

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The Lesser-Known Petpets: Wadjet
The masculine, manly, Cleopatra-esque Wadjet is a sandy-looking creature that hails from the Lost Desert. At least, I think it does, because I haven’t heard anything about the Wadjet much since it was first released...

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Wrawk the Merciless: Part Three
"What could possibly help us in a situation like this?" asked Keego doubtfully. She glared at Wrawk, who put on a frown and widened his eyes. "Oh, no, don't do this to me......no.......no! Not Lupe eyes."

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Let There Be Lighten: Part One
Because she was quite bored, Antikia decided to pass the time by doing a little spell a visiting Light Faerie had taught her back on her island...

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Life with Sparkalar
This is why fire Neopets shouldn't eat Blue Bomberries... T_T

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