Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 113,881,443 Issue: 159 | 24th day of Gathering, Y6
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The Everyday Happenings of Luupine

by black_spiral

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The Flaws of Being a Fruit Chia
There are many flaws about being a fruit. Despite its pro's, its con's are worse. Face it, no one wants to be friends with what it eats for lunch.

by platinumprincess99


Of Gourmet Club Trophies and Staying in Shape
Every three months, Neopets from all around Neopia gathered together at the Gourmet Club to determine who could eat the most food and who could do it the fastest.

by shadih_temporary


Destruct-O-Match II Tactics
Although the two games are very similar there are a few differences, firstly and most obviously the bonus block, which can do a range of things from adding another row of boulders to destroying boulders...

by ladee_sarah


Life Lessons
The first step is always the hardest...

by xtrat

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