Peace by _peregrintook_
The branches of the willow tree blew softly in the calm,
evening breeze. Lovely pink flowers adorned the long, hanging leaves, masking
the outside world. I sat silently on a branch, listening to the soft sounds of
nature around me. The willow tree was the only place where I could draw comfort,
where I could be at peace.
Beyond the safety of my willow tree, war raged.
The Thieves Guild was fighting with the Hannah Supporters, causing all of the
Neopets to be sick. It was pointless. Why encourage suffering among all of the
pets of Neopia? Why did everybody send their beloved pet to fight? Not only
that, but most people's Neopoints were being spent on training and Battledome
weapons, that most pets were starving, as well as sick. It was disgusting. I
knew what it felt like to be starving. What it felt like to have to worry about
the possibility that I might go with out food for days. What it felt like to
have an empty stomach all day, every day. All of that was behind me now. But
I couldn't forget. Not after what I had been through.
All pets strong enough and of age were forced
to fight in the war. I was a year too young to enroll, which I am very grateful
for. Many Neopets my age lied to fight for either Hannah or the Thieves Guild.
It was all pointless. Why would one wish to leave to a foreign country, only
to argue and fight? They all said that it was because of honor. Isn't there
more honor in being strong and taking a stand against war and fighting and standing
up for peace? It takes more character to stand up for what they believe in,
not flow with the crowd.
The war was also causing controversy among all
of the Neopians. The war encouraged opposite sides to argue about anything and
everything, making the situation worse.
I flew down from my branch, to a small, crystal
clear pond in the center of the willow tree's branches. I stared at my reflection
in the pond. Bright, sea blue eyes gazed back at me. I was a purple Shoyru,
young, but brave. I had been that way since birth. I have never been afraid
to stand up for what I believe in. That thing I believe in is peace. Ever since
I was young, I have had close contact with violence. My old owner, an arrogant,
self-absorbed girl, had been obsessed with the Battledome, almost to the point
of insanity. Every day, I would be forced to fight, even if there was no possible
way that I could walk away victorious. When I lost, I was punished. I was deprived
of food for a week. I do not know how I survived that period of my life, how
I did not just collapse and give up. But I pushed on.
Soon after, I was thrown into the pound, rejected
by my maniac owner. The conditions were a lot better in the pound, at least
I was fed every day, but the loneliness was disheartening. To spend your days
alone, in a stone cold cage, waiting for an unknown person to pick you up is
more dreadful than starving. I learned that the hard way. I waited and waited,
but the day of my adoption never came.
So, I had to take matters into my own hands.
I formulated a plan - a plan that was not to fail. When Dr. Death opened my
cage, another pet would cause a distraction. It would only cause Dr. Death to
look away for a moment, but a moment was all that I needed. I darted out of
my cage, away from my life in the pound. Away from the loneliness. I have lived
in Meridell ever since.
"Why do you fight so hard for peace, Antikia?"
they would ask me when I expressed my opinion of the war. "Why don't you just
help Meridell and fight?" I would always reply that peace was better for all
of Neopia. All they did was laugh.
"Antikia…" The wind seemed to whisper my name
while it rustled the willow leaves. "Antikia…" I looked up into the tall willow
tree. I flew back on to the branch I rested on before, relaxing in the cool
night air. "Antikia…" This time it sounded like a human's voice. I jumped so
high that I could have been flying. My eyes darted left and right, before resting
on a little woman, a ring of pale and endless light surrounded her. Gorgeous
gray eyes rested on a slim face, topped with long, golden hair. She wore a simple
gown of bright yellow, seemingly fragile wings jutting out of her sides. I gazed
in awe at her, trying to sum up the courage to speak. Before I could think of
anything to say, she spoke to me.
"Greetings, young Antikia," her voice was smooth
and soft, I was discouraged to hear. I must look scratchy and horrible beside
this extravagant faerie. If my face betrayed any of my thoughts, the faerie
gave no sign of noticing. "Why are you miserable, young one?" I was hesitant
at first, unsure whether I should answer this majestic creature. Unsure if she
would support my ideals, or only laugh like all of the other Neopets.
"I'm tired of this war," I blurted out, wanting
to make her understand. My voice sounded rough and scratchy compared to hers,
but I didn't care. Not at this moment. Tears started to roll down my cheeks
as I finally voiced my thoughts. "All war is endless fighting and suffering.
All pets seem to be against peace. It is completely pointless! Why throw your
life away for something ridiculous? They don't realize that life is possible
without fighting!"
The faerie looked bewildered, as if she didn't
expect to hear what I had said, but she recovered from the shock quickly enough.
"Well…" she said in her musical voice. "Most Neopets have forgotten what peace
is like. Perhaps if you could show them what peace is like, they wouldn't oppose
"Oh, but how?" I cried out desperately.
"It is simple. Be nice to them and never argue.
Try to brake up small arguments between other pets. In time, they will notice
that no arguing will allow them to lead better lives. Sooner or later, you may
find some who would aid you in your quest to stop the war." With these words,
she disappeared, in a puff of yellow smoke. The ring of pale light went with
I felt renewed, somehow braver than before. It
was not a foolproof plan, but with time, and careful planning, it might just
work. "I shall follow the faerie's advice," I said to myself, feeling more determined
with each passing minute. "I shall stop the war." I declared this with determination.
"The war shall end."
I flew out of the tree, past the serene shelter
of the branches. "I will make peace possible, I will make peace possible…" I
repeated to myself as I disappeared into the horizon.
The End
Author's Note - This is my first submission to the Neopian Times (and if
you're reading this, it made it in!). Thanks to everyone who has supported me
with my writing! If you have any questions, comments, or criticism, feel free
to send me a Neomail!