White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 90,556,237 Issue: 160 | 1st day of Collecting, Y6
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Neopian Wackiness

by cherv1

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Great stories!


Freaky Factory is Awesome!
The challenge! The intrigue!

by lamenesspersonified


A Peace that Would Last One Thousand Years?: Part Two
"Wonderful situation, isn't it, hero?" Darigan asked sarcastically. "Carry out your duty to your country unto its destruction, or betray your country in hopes that it may be saved. If you trust me, I will need insurance of your loyalty," he said, conjuring a potion.

by ikkin_with_attitude


Grarrls Just Wanna Have Fun
Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked outside at the picnic tables. The party was there, but no one else was there.

by beau_lis


I Wish!
I think this would even the odds...

by mr_rubber_band

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