Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 174,882,305 Issue: 377 | 30th day of Sleeping, Y11
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The Reality of Gothic Korbat Wigs

by legogirl3531

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You Look Funny...
Sometimes things aren't what they seem but sometimes...

by blaumann


The Misfit
"I thought it would add some color to your room." I knew my explanation would be futile. Poison kept her bedroom in varying shades of grey and black.

by smiles8887


Darigan RULES!
Have you ever wondered?

by _pokemon12_63


Faerieland: How Do I Get There?
Place cannon on flat ground in open field. Shove reluctant Neopet directly down shaft. Add additional marshmallows as appropriate. Position cannon facing directly into the clouds. Fire away!

by fiinch

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