Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 174,882,305 Issue: 377 | 30th day of Sleeping, Y11
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New Series

Sky Pirates!: Part One

"You have sent my greatest pupil to the place where I betrayed you... I wonder... do you fear he will turn out just like me?"

by herdygerdy
A Mysterious Heir: Part One

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that! Just because it's my birthday, you don't have to treat me like I'm..."

by dancer_sakura
Seeking Summer: Part One

Summer now rounded on me. "No, both of YOU leave ME alone!" she shrieked. "I'm sick of being part of such a calm family!"

by bubbly_bows
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Budget Battledoming

Training your pet and watching him succeed in the Battledome is one of the most satisfying experiences in Neopets. Unfortunately for most Neopians, the average user cannot afford the fancy Battledome items such as H400 Helmet, Thyora's Tear, or any of those fancy Hidden Tower weapons. Luckily, you don't need a bloated bank account to make your pet an effective fighter. This article will show you eight essential weapons to utilize that will only cost you 100,000...

Other Stories


My Life As A Magaral
A lone blue Bruce came strolling in, took one meaningful look at us all lined up neatly on the display bench, then promptly walked out of the shop without a single purchase.

by rainbow2skittle


Memoirs of a Neglected Wocky
Ever since I was born, I've been in my sister's shadow.

by amily70


Facts And Myths About Being Famous
Searching for fame? Stop right here and know its secrets before you get it!

by aque_mizuhara


The Dos and Don'ts of Grooming Your Neopet
Never abuse grooming your neopet again! ;)

by danielleplicka


Fail the first time...

by _ivy__cloak_


It's not going to work.

by koroi_tora_sama

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