Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 174,290,976 Issue: 387 | 10th day of Eating, Y11
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by _pokemon12_63

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Great stories!


Oivend and the Adventure of Token and Future: Part One
"Oh, boy!" the 266-day old Gnorbu shouted, grabbing the item off the shelf with his tiny green hooves, and running to the Usul behind the counter.

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Cycle of the Moon: Part Twelve
"I saw her three times." Her hands were folded in her lap, and she glanced down at them. "I never told you, Sayder, but I did."

by reggieman721


The Sorcerer: Part Six
It took her several seconds to realize that two large and threatening figures were now looming over her, and she was rendered quite speechless when she realized that one of them was Lord Darigan himself.

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The Stream Always Wins
"Ha-ha! I beat you again, Ramamoth!" Gary crowed. The little faerie Shoyru looked up at the Grarrl from where she was sprawled in the dirt. It was the sixth time that lesson he had beaten her.

by dark_rose_15

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