Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 174,290,976 Issue: 387 | 10th day of Eating, Y11
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The Great Easter Feast

Do you, like many others, notice that after this special day, you have so many Neggs you don't know what to do with them? Then this handy dandy cookery article is perfect for you!

by tanyawebber
Neopia's Kitchen: Recipes from 101 Neggs

Recipes and tips from the hit book 101 Neggs -- guaranteed to spice up any meal!

by fermata
NeoQuest II: A Guide to the Meridell Bosses

The first chapter, Meridell, is pretty straightforward. Especially in the mode I'm talking about; Normal.

by hillyhawk
In the Defence of Grundos

A sympathetic look at the development of the Grundo race throughout Neopia.

by keller_bloom
Scoring Goals to Feed Florg

Tired of playing Feed Florg over and over again, just to get that avatar that is only a few short points away? Or want to make the high score table, but keep missing by just a point?

by rawrlovesjaime
So Many Games, So Little Time... Find Your Best Fit!

If you find yourself struggling earning the amount of neopoints you would like to, or if you just want to play a game you really enjoy, here's a quick guide.

by mercyofthefallen
The Secret of the Giant Omelette

*throws omelettes*

by aliiwa
Neggs and the Wonderful Things They Do

They're relatively round in shape. They're occasionally edible. They tend to alter your Neopet in one way or another. They taunt you in Meerca Chase. That's right, you guessed it correctly: They're neggs.

Also by windatmyback

by danceswithpampers

Easter Negg Hunt

Which Neggs will you choose and where will you hide them?

by iloenchen
Advanced Key Questing: 1+1=3?!

Now for the exciting part, which I hardly ever see anyone use – using powerups TOGETHER!!

by musicoftheflute
Easter Negg Hunt - Easter Cybunny Style

The Top 10 countdown to where you should hide your neggs from the Easter Cybunny himself.

by jasminepavin
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In Defence of Grundos

Grundos may be the most misunderstood and disliked of all the species in Neopia and I for one think this is a great injustice. There are currently over 7 million Grundos in Neopia, making them the 11th most popular pet, but if this is true then why are there so many Grundos being abandoned in the pound? I‘m hoping that I can shed some light on this situation and hopefully sway some of you readers to come round to a pro-Grundo way of thinking!

Other Stories


Perfect Lives and Little Sisters
"Yay!" my owner squealed. "Ten million neopoints! I'm going to get a Draik Egg!"

by littlemouse_rbd


Learning About Life
Kivier couldn't wait to run around and enjoy life. It was a crisp spring morning outside of their Meridell residence.

by chirigami


Revenge: Part Two
"That's just mean!" gasped Lily, one of my closest friends, as she helped me to towel the fur on my head. "How could they do that to you?"

by shadow_sabre_


Outcast: The Tale of Rhoswen - Part Three
"You wear the necklace. You are king," Lyekan proclaimed, as if this made perfect sense.

by ayame_23


Random Events in Neopia 4

by spirited_dolphin


Behind the Screens: Extreme Potato Counter
What really goes on to make those taters fly across the screen.

by sk8brdrme

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