Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 174,290,976 Issue: 387 | 10th day of Eating, Y11
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"There is always a choice, only you made the wrong one, as I have made wrong decisions. I suffer the consequences, and so will you."

In Defence of Grundos

Grundos may be the most misunderstood and disliked of all the species in Neopia and I for one think this is a great injustice. There are currently over 7 million Grundos in Neopia, making them the 11th most popular pet, but if this is true then why are there so many Grundos being abandoned in the pound? I‘m hoping that I can shed some light on this situation and hopefully sway some of you readers to come round to a pro-Grundo way of thinking!

Neggs Are Wonderful

Whether you restock them from the Neopian Fresh Food Market, snipe them from a fellow Neopian's shop, or trade for them at the Neopian Neggery, Neggs are one of the most interesting, delicious items in all of Neopia. Unlike most foods in Neopia, however, Neggs have special abilities that set them apart from every other Neopian food – not to mention they're awfully pretty! Whether you're looking for a delicious meal, or a unique gift, there is a Negg...

Secret of the Giant Omelette

Have you ever wondered the secret behind the huge egg cooking in Tyrannia? Sure, they say a giant dinosaur laid it and it started to bake, but hey! We all know that Grarrls have always been the biggest dinosaurs... *cough* according to them, that is. So each Grarrl in Neopia that we have interviewed took the liberty to tell us that no, that is not how the Giant Omelette got there. For example, after a grueling round of Cellblock with Galgarrath, my Grundo and I asked...

Other Stories
"Table for One" by maltese51191
"Sendrii, the usual?" The Plushie Cybunny looked up from her seat at the counter, and smiled at the aproned Shoyru in front of her. The shop was busy that morning; the bell jingled as customers walked in and out of the door. The Cybunny leaned closer so that the shopkeeper could hear her. "Yes, please," she said. "Mint Tea would be lovely..."

"Perfect Lives and Little Sisters" by littlemouse_rbd
"Yay!" my owner squealed. "Ten million neopoints! I'm going to get a Draik Egg!" Loraine then broke out into a series of gesticulations that I knew was a "happy dance". My heart dropped, and bumped into my stomach abruptly. The day had finally come. My owner was getting a new pet. One of us was getting abandoned...

"The Stream Always Wins" by dark_rose_15
The little faerie Shoyru looked up at the Grarrl from where she was sprawled in the dirt. It was the sixth time that lesson he had beaten her. She ached all over from hitting the ground so often. Her arms hurt, her legs hurt; even her eyebrows hurt! It wasn't even really her fault. Gary's blows were just too strong. She couldn't block them without being knocked...

Put Your Neggs In One Basket

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Neggery
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"That's just mean!" gasped Lily, one of my closest friends, as she helped me to towel the fur on my head. "How could they do that to you?"

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Return of the Crimson Witch: Part Five
"You saw that magic hit her," Morguss said, as she continued on her way. "You think anyone could survive a direct hit like that?"

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The Street Warf
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Never Hire A Skeith As An Easter Bunny

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by gaby_marques

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