Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 174,290,976 Issue: 387 | 10th day of Eating, Y11
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by misshamsterlover

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How Sweet...?
Om nom nom!

by dragonstorm_75


Of Meercas and Neggs
One poor Happy Negg found himself situated in between two red ones. The red Neggs taunted him incessantly – they found the chances of the Meerca saving him equal to the chances of Sloth finally gaining world domination.

by crazy_holly_ii


The Secret of the Giant Omelette
*throws omelettes*

by aliiwa


Advanced Key Questing: 1+1=3?!
Now for the exciting part, which I hardly ever see anyone use – using powerups TOGETHER!!

by musicoftheflute

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