Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 187,887,734 Issue: 508 | 19th day of Hiding, Y13
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In the Name of Science

by lombre

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The Goofers - Baby Problem, part 2
What has the horrendous Boochi done???

by lintsuf


The Most Efficient Invasion of Meridell Strategy
Save the villages (to earn game points) and recover the Lost Items in each Mission (to increase your army's attack and defense strengths).

Also by knucklestheechidna52

by mythem


King Kelpbeard: An Exclusive Interview
King Kelpbeard has agreed to answer questions from us surface dwellers on recent topics.

by pokebuddies


Enough Adventure for One Day: Part One
I padded over and pulled my Spardel off of her arm. "Blaine, you can stop attacking her. She lives here too," I said with a laugh...

by 2dancers2robots

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