For an easier life Circulation: 187,887,734 Issue: 508 | 19th day of Hiding, Y13
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New Series

Learn to Fly: Part One

The colony of Scorchios I grew up with is known to be the most aerodynamic, swift, coordinated group of flyers in Tyrannia, possibly in all of Neopia.

by cactusthorn2151
Enough Adventure for One Day: Part One

I padded over and pulled my Spardel off of her arm. "Blaine, you can stop attacking her. She lives here too," I said with a laugh...

by 2dancers2robots
One Usuki Fanatic, One Important Lesson: Part One


Tallie lived for them. Every inch of her room was painted, wallpapered, or carpeted Usuki pink.

by thediractor

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"Floating is the First Step" by vortex_paula2
"You stop that right now or I'll drop you in the water," I threaten her as convincingly as I can, narrowing my turquoise eyes. This is enough for her to stop struggling, but she continues to blubber like a baby. "I- I- you can't- I want... Waaaah!!!" Nothing attracts more attention than a crying Neopet, and sure enough, strangers on the beach are quick to give us funny looks. "Fine," I sigh...

Other Stories


Floating is the First Step
Lying in the water, watching the sky... It calms me—until my little sister does what she does best and ruins the moment.

by vortex_paula2


A Day in the Life of a Larnikin Soldier
Oh, man. Dragged out of bed to fight blue pests, and I'm still half asleep.

by 1335512


Usukis Who Crave a Little More Love
Dig deep inside your toy box and give a little love to those Usuki Dolls that aren't on every little Usul's birthday list.

by sonny_iz_cute


King Kelpbeard: An Exclusive Interview
King Kelpbeard has agreed to answer questions from us surface dwellers on recent topics.

by pokebuddies


Wx2 WhispyWill
How ironic...

by whisp_will


In the Name of Science
Shareholder meetings are the #1 place to announce evil plans!

by lombre

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