Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 187,887,734 Issue: 508 | 19th day of Hiding, Y13
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Usukis Who Crave a Little More Love

Dig deep inside your toy box and give a little love to those Usuki Dolls that aren't on every little Usul's birthday list.

by sonny_iz_cute
How to Make Your Neopet a Princess

Need help making royalty? Here are some tips!

by seanman1224
NeoTeen Magazine Issue 1

In this issue: new make-up and nail tips from Usuki herself, advice, and an interview with cutie Garin about being a part of The Curse of Maraqua, Hannah and the Pirate Caves, and his personal life!

by rivercity_3601
Ink Frames and How to Style Them

The four ink frames and what they look best on, as well as alternative foregrounds. :3

by movie138music
Noble Gaming

What about those of us who don't play for a hundred pixels, but for a couple hundred thousand Neopoints?

by _abiz_
It's Not All It's Cracked Up to Be...

Being a baby Pteri is risky business.

by timmyythegreat405
A Neopian's Guide to Fostering

A foster pet is a pet that someone adopts from the pound with the goal of zapping or painting to change that pet to a new, better color in the hopes of finding them a new home.

by terabithian
King Kelpbeard: An Exclusive Interview

King Kelpbeard has agreed to answer questions from us surface dwellers on recent topics.

by pokebuddies
The Most Efficient Invasion of Meridell Strategy

Save the villages (to earn game points) and recover the Lost Items in each Mission (to increase your army's attack and defense strengths).

Also by knucklestheechidna52

by mythem

The Usul Suspect Game Guide

You've got these Usuls falling down. You're a Nimmo on an elevator thingamajig.

by nayana852
Search the Neopian Times


Usukis: More Love?

Finally! It's the day every Usuki Lover dreams of. While everyone is off at the Annual Usuki Doll Convention, staying in line for over twelve hours just to buy the newest and greatest member of the Usuki Collection series, a Solid Gold Usuki Doll with a matching solid gold tiara and necklace wearable* for your special little neopet, don't forget to dig deep inside your toy box and give a little love to those Usuki Dolls that aren't on every little Usul's birthday list...

Other Stories


Lenny Conundrum Land
I shut my eyes...

...and opened them again to find myself in an endless grassy meadow by myself. Where was the Lenny?

by secant


The Lotus Blooms Twice
What a peaceful day this was.

by kiki587695


Enough Adventure for One Day: Part One
I padded over and pulled my Spardel off of her arm. "Blaine, you can stop attacking her. She lives here too," I said with a laugh...

by 2dancers2robots


Thyla's Tale: Part Two
"Oh, sweetie, I know," said the girl. "That's hard. But I can only adopt one, and... and let's face it. You probably won't get adopted together anyway."

by chestnuttiger787


The Clouds
The lab ray tries really hard to make things interesting.

by sweet08540


Kougra Stories- Looking for a job 3/9
Yoshiko and Sorami are looking for a job; will they get one?

by tachiki

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