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Top 10 Starry Items of Neopia

by flowergirlesl


Ahhh Summer. Known for its endless, hot, sunny days spent lazily on the shore of Mystery Island, scrumptious picnics on the grass in Neopia Central, waiting in line for ice cream from the ice cream cart in Happy Valley, and generally participating in many exciting adventures throughout Neopia, it is unsurprisingly a favorite season of plenty of Neopians! After a long winter, and a teasing spring, the months of Relaxing, Swimming, and Hiding are eagerly awaited. While it doesn’t take much to make a neopet happy during this blissful time, one of the simplest pleasures of summer is the wide, starry night sky! Just imagine it now – you’re riding the Roo Island Merry Go Round, a slight warm summer breeze envelops you, and as you look up to revel in the moment, a glorious sight meets your eyes. Thousands, upon thousands of stars illuminate the night sky, each one a personal light gazing down at you from above, showing you just how small Neopia really is compared with the vast, uncharted sky. Individuals far and wide can appreciate the shining, simple beauty of stars, and therefore stargazing is a favorite evening pastime of many. In order to celebrate the stupendous starry theme, this article will count down Neopia’s top 10 starry themed items!

10.) Starry Stationery

You may be asking yourself, how did something as simple as starry stationery get on the countdown? Well, any starry enthusiast could tell you that the best way to enjoy stars is to share them! This stationery kit comes complete with shimmery, starry printed paper and matching envelopes perfect for writing notes, letters and cards to send to neofriends, or for keeping track of your goals, plans for Neopian domination, grocery lists, and other simple reminders! An added bonus is that no matter how atrocious your handwriting may be, nobody will notice if it’s written on such beautiful paper!

9.) Starry Ukulele

We all know that EVERYONE, even meepits, enjoys ukulele music! Something about it is just so soothing and calming. What’s better than a ukulele? A starry ukulele, of course! The starry ukulele comes covered in dazzling stars against a gold and blue background! Also included are three multicolored ukulele picks and a few spare ukulele strings! I bet you can picture it now – you and your closest Neofriends and Neopets sitting around a bonfire amid the starry evening sky, all of them still, and entranced by your skilled ukulele playing. Hypothetically, if you were planning Neopian domination *cough*, or something or other, it would be the perfect time to strike, but hypothetically of course. The starry ukulele sadly cannot be currently purchased, but was given out in 2009 as part of a promotion involving NC mall cards.

8.) Starry Cupcake

Loaded with mountains of deliciously decadent starry frosting, this cupcake definitely deserves its place on the countdown! Starry cupcakes are baked in glistening, gold cupcake liners until they reach a moist, heavenly, and airy state of perfection. The finishing touch on any starry cupcake is always a luminous sugar star placed on a cushion of starry frosting. Truly a food for Neopia’s elite. If starry cupcakes don’t make your mouth water, you need your taste buds checked! The only problem is that not only are these yummy morsels expensive, but they’re also hard to find. My theory is that the meepi... *sees unblinking eyes staring in the corner*... err, what was I saying? *nervous laugh* Moving on!

7.) Starry Toothbrush

Do you have trouble getting your neopets to brush their teeth? Stress no more, as the starry toothbrush is the perfect solution to your problems! The starry pattern of the handle will win over even the most un-hygienic of your pets, and the soft bristles gently clean away any bits of stuck food. This beautiful toothbrush will leave their pearly whites sparkling with the intensity of the stars, and will help fight any potential cavities that they got while indulging in those starry cupcakes. Ever wonder how meepits keep their jaws of dea- Erm, I mean teeth clean? With starry toothbrushes, of course! Keep on smiling!

6.) A Starry Pteri Night

Sure we get a good look at stars from where we are in Neopia, but imagine being able to see stars from an even closer vantage point-- imagine you could fly! A Starry Pteri Night is a book that captures the essence of what it's like to see the stars as a Pteri and follows the adventures of a starry-painted flock of them. Is it a rainy, cloudy night with zero visibility? Are you left looking at a dark, dreary sky spotted with no stars? Fear not, just cuddle up on your sofa with a meep-- *cough* I mean kadoatie by your feet and get lost in the starry night sky that this entrancing book opens up for you.

5.) Starry Pillow Set

*Yawn* Just looking at these comfortable pillows makes me want to curl up for a nap! But, not only do they look comfy, they are a great deal: for the price of one pillow, you get three! Hand embroidered gold stars cover the surface of the soft pillows included in this set, and they are stuffed with only the softest of material! The fabric is easy to wash, so just in case one of your neopets likes to drool in his/her sleep, all it takes is a quick wash to get them looking like brand new again! Overall, though, this pillow set is an ideal must-have item for any starry enthusiast! (Or anyone who likes a good nap.) After all, you can’t stargaze or plan Neopian domination with a tired mind!

4.) Starry Battle Dung

You may be wondering why in Neopia I’m not clutching my nose and running away disgusted from this bag of dung. The answer? This is no ordinary dung! It’s starry battle dung!! Not only does it smell far less putrid than average battle dung, starry battle dung is the perfect way to defeat your Battledome opponent in style! The base of this dung is of a rich blue color that is mixed with real star dust and splattered with golden stars! Once you throw this at your opponent, they will be blinded by the sheer beauty of it, and there is no way that you can possibly lose! The only mystery is where it came from...

3.) Starry Petpet Paint Brush

Everyone knows that a user's neopet is one of their best friends, but unfortunately it's not a perfect world and as much as we would like to, we can't be on neo 24/7. This is where petpets come in. These lovable creatures keep our pets company when we aren't online, so naturally they play a large role in Neopia. Why not show your love and appreciation for your petpet by painting it with *drumroll* you guessed it-- a starry petpet paint brush! Just take your petpet and one of these special brushes to the petpet puddle and wahh-lah! Your petpet will look absolutely superb covered in a dark blue spotted with sparkling gold stars!

2.) Starry Night in Neopia

There are thousands of customisation items in Neopia, but not many come close to the true beauty of the Starry Night in Neopia background. Surrounded by a canopy of stars, and standing on the luscious, soft, green grass of Neopia Central, your neopet will look stunning no matter what else they are customised with! This background allows you to experience the serenity of stars at all hours of the day. In addition, this luxury is relatively affordable compared to some of the other items on this list *cough* starry battle dung *cough* but is still one of the best ways to express your love of all things starry!

1.) Starry Paint Brush

Alas, the ultimate way to enjoy the starry theme is to become a part of it! Fear not, this does not involve you hurtling your neopets into space *chuckle* (No matter how cool that seems to some. ;) ) All it takes is a simple trip to the Rainbow Fountain in Faerieland, along with a starry paint brush! Wouldn’t it be awesome to see your neopet decorated in rich, beautiful blue, and shimmering gold? To top it all off, the Starry Paint Brush is one of the most affordable paint brushes out there! Pair this brush with the Starry Petpet Paint Brush if you want your neopet and petpet to match and embrace their love of the starry theme together! One thing that’s certain, though, is that with this brush, your pet will be a real star! *gets dragged off by meepits for corniness*

So what are you waiting for? Celebrate starry-ness today!


Thank you for reading!

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