Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 186,992,754 Issue: 513 | 23rd day of Gathering, Y13
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New Series

Starblaze and Blasterfire: Part One

"If I wanted that blaster fixed with Mallard tape, I'd have done it myself!"

by saphira_27
The Trial of Her Mind: Part One

"What was your nightmare about?"

I shrugged. "The Darkest Faerie. Creepy, huh?"

by sheik_30999

The Mystery of the Brightvale Abduction: Part One

It was a cool morning in winter when I first entered this case. I was, on that morning, unemployed; and as is my usual custom at such times, I had stayed up late reading mystery fiction the night before...

by patt788
Scarblade's Pearl: The Revenge - Part One

Isca knew a dream was beginning. A special dream which would warn her of the future.

by theloverpokemonqueen
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"Another Ill-Fated Faerie Festival" by mystie06
This year, the Festival was not being held in a garden, where anyone could wander by and cast a spell on the faeries, but in the grand ballroom of the palace. The large windows of the ballroom had been specially enchanted so that the faeries inside could look out and see the beautiful gardens, while those outside the windows looking in would see only their own reflections. Security in and around the palace was on high alert, and the guards in and around...

Other Stories


Saved by Grey
"If only it could rain," she whispered softly into the breeze.

by shadyy15


Learning Curve
"Benji," Jenna says slowly, because Benji obviously has a death wish. "This is a dark faerie."

by maraqua_berry


Trouble At The National Neopian - Game Guide!
The aim of the game is simple – stop the robbers from stealing neopoints!

by babiekins


Great Colors For Even the Widest Skeith
Great-looking colors for Skeith Day. ^.^

by movie138music


As You Were - Part 06
Your word doesn't mean anything if you're just going to break it.

by crainwater


A Gaggle of Gobblers: Snowickle
This demanding little beast loves to collect shiny things and cries when you take them away from it.

by fireandice92

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