Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 186,992,754 Issue: 513 | 23rd day of Gathering, Y13
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Continued Series

They Think it's All Over: Part Ten

They wanted front row seats for the end of the world.

by herdygerdy
Torch in the Darkness: Part Seven

"What are you saying, Azra? Nobody's ever just stumbled across Shadow! This place is practically cut off from the rest of the world!"

Art by ellbot1998

by ellbot1998

Visions II: To Save an Ogrin - Part Five

Karan carried one of the lamps, heading out in front. Nil followed behind, listening for any sounds of pursuit.

by yotoll
An Unlucky Day: Part Two

That was impossible! The door that had opened to a quiet country lane when he entered it now separated the cottage from thick, dark woodland that was so ominous it could only be one place: the Haunted Woods.

by gold_fang
A First Time For Everything: Part Two

Timu would probably never want to talk to him again. And Altodar would have to live with the fact that it was all his fault.

by madidogs88
Better than Scones: Return of the Black Pawkeet - Part Three

Alexa clung to the driftwood, coughing and spluttering foul saltwater everywhere. She was soaked to the skin and miserable...

by scribe1020
Little Shoyru Homeward Bound: Part Two

Danby sighed heavily. "I-I'm goin' to find Mama," he said a little sadly. "I-I hafta find her."

by nurseryteacher28
Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Morphica Begins - Part Two

"Yes, sir, the hired villains did a good job luring them away. The Defenders never saw it coming."

by kristykimmy
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Great Colors For Skeiths

Skeiths. The poor things are always looked down on with disdain at best and outright cruelty at most. They come from the same proud, fiery line as the (in my opinion) far overused Draiks, and are closely related to the cheerful middling Scorchios. Why are they so not loved? It's the chubs, obviously. People see the wide stomachs and immediately decide that Skeiths aren't worth their time. Folks, don't judge a Skeith by his middle. You'll be making a dire mistake.

Other Stories


Faeries' Dilemma
"We may both be snow faeries, but that doesn't mean that all snow faeries hand out quests."

Also by eleete

by chat_adik


Another Ill-Fated Faerie Festival
"Canceling the Festival would just send the message that we are too scared to face evil, and then what would happen to our reputation?"

by mystie06


Getting Ready For The Championships: An Inside Scoop
Keep reading this article for a [top secret] interview with none other than, no, not Dr. Sloth, but Kevin the Korbat.

by sonny_iz_cute


Top Ten Faeries of Neopia
All across Neopia, daily arguments rage over who the most awesome faerie is in the land.

Also by gwendarwen

by neoplayinny


Muckla and Dangerous Sports
To quiet down all those people who find Yooyuball to be a dangerous game.

by lovisa966


Don't Think Twice: Neovision
Isn't that defying the laws of physics?

by heathersis

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