Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 186,992,754 Issue: 513 | 23rd day of Gathering, Y13
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I'm Just That Big Monster That Broke Your Island

by codswobble


It’s not as if anyone has bothered to ask me; I mean, I’m only the giant monster under the sea, but I’m sure some people have wondered, and you know, as maybe a peace gesture, I thought I might tell you about where I came from...

     But first, you have to realise, I didn’t mean to cause so much harm. I mean, being so big, it’s hard not to, and I was just so upset.

     I guess I’d better start from the beginning, from my old home.

     When I was younger, I lived in the sea caves, just off the shores of Roo Island, with my mother, and my brothers.

     My brothers and I, we liked to jet around the ocean, blasting ink and scaring fish. Rocking boats and creating whirlpools. We were the terrible triplets and our mother adored us even more for it.

     But thinking back now, we never met any others of our kind, ever. I wonder how this can be, since now I know how many of us there are, cruising the huge oceans. So many of them. But not enough to be safe and you Neopians don’t realise this... that those giant squids are rare, and you should put them straight back if you catch them; conserving them is essential. Who else will fill up all your empty ink pots, hm?

     Anyway, as we got older, my brothers stopped growing so much... but I didn’t. I was getting large and larger, until I couldn’t fit inside our cave, and hovered around outside, miserable and alone.

     One day, my mother peered out the door. She looked me in the eye and said, “Go. Go, my boy. There’s nothing for you here. Leave, please.”

     Outside, I smiled at her and started to drift of, but inside, I was melting. My internals felt like they were sliding down, and my heart felt empty. Nothing for me, she had said? Nothing for me. I’d always thought that my family loved me. But now I dwarfed my brothers, and put shame to my mother, I guess they didn’t want me anymore.

     For years and years, I grew larger and larger. Nothing came near me now, not the sharks, not the fish. They were all to scared. And, I suppose if I were them, I would be too.

     And I was so lonely. I was bored and lonely. And I was sad.

     I was so big now, that I could cause a storm above from just moving too suddenly, yet I kept swimming. On and on, and I knew I needed something to change.

     I’d never felt rage until that day, but it welled up in me, at the unfairness of it all, and I need some way to let it all out. I clenched my large tentacles, and flexed my oversized muscles. Propelled myself to the bottom of the sea, and reached as high as I could, until I felt something. A large boat perhaps? But then I realised, it was too small, and it was most definitely an island.

     I tried to think about what I was doing. But my infuriated thoughts would not comfort me. I wasn’t able to think about what I was doing. It was like my brain was throbbing with hate. And I needed something to put the fiery inferno that was baking my brain.

     As the sun moved over the sky, my tentacles basked below the surface, absorbing the energy that they needed. I guess my giant body has giant waiting times for feelings to register. I should be calm by now, but I was still alight inside.

     Suddenly I decided all was lost for me. I’d have no peace ever, so why not go down with a fight.

     I twirled my massive arms right up, to underneath the island. Yet, for all the rocky nooks and crannies I struggled to find a grip, so, for the first time ever, I reached out of the water.

     I was amazed, it felt so free. To escape from the clutches of the restricting water, to be able to move my many hands as quickly as I pleased.

     But I couldn’t forget what I’d set out to do. So I clamped my still dripping arms around the jagged edges of the floating island, and tugged as hard as I could.

     It wouldn’t come. But I wanted it to come, I needed it to give. I needed it to comfort myself, to make me feel better. So, using my gargantuan strength, I ripped the island from its safe hold on top of the sea, and tried to bring it down to the depths.

     But it broke. As I dragged it, it was like the island shattered. Hundreds of pieces broke free. But I still had the thing I clutched.

     But I soon realised with horror, this was not just any island. The flags that floated upwards, they told me something. They told me that this was an island of many tales; this was where the most fearsome pirates came from, the finest boats built. The fattest neopets fed. This was an island of legends. This was Krawk Island. But I’d destroyed it. But it was revenge, right? For all the wrongs that had been cast upon me on life.

     I knew it wasn’t your fault, but I needed someone to blame.

     As I struggled to keep my grip on Krawk Island, days went by, and all the small pieces of the island where gradually towed away by manned ships.

     All the anger had gone now... I felt no more need to destroy anything, so I let the rest of the island slowly float away from my grasp.

     Now you’ve remade the island, and even I have to admit, it’s nicer than before, but you couldn’t of been happy with just that, you had to find out who destroyed it, and make them pay. You released that giant net down into the depths straight away, I had no time to escape.

     Down at the bottom of the sea, I was squirming and wriggling, but I just couldn’t move. The net around me was too tangled for me to undo. I tried everything. Ripping it, tearing it. Blasting it with ink, but I was caught. And now I had to suffer.

     But now I’ve been hauled up, and ridiculed. You Neopians blast me with your cannons, and you take away my stuff. You do it every day. And I think you enjoy it. You cruel, heartless people do you not understand, I was confused, I didn’t know what I was doing. It was a thoughtless reaction to the pent up feelings inside. I lashed out.

     Hah, you don’t understand, do you? And you never will. Will you?

     Maybe you’ll laugh at me some more, or make faces, or jeer. But I know who I am now. And I will remain strong forever. One day, you’ll forget about me, and I’ll be free again to cruise the oceans, and I don’t know what I might do. But I have all the power, for I am the tyrant of the seas.

     You’ll all fear me, you will. I might curse you sailors, to steer a doomed ship for all eternity, or I might bless you, to sail fast, on a calm open sea.

     But one thing I know is you’ll regret it. You will. And every time you fish up another giant squid, you’ll know what might have been.

The End

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