Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 186,992,754 Issue: 513 | 23rd day of Gathering, Y13
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Top Ten Faeries of Neopia

by neoplayinny


Also by gwendarwen

All across Neopia, daily arguments rage over who the most awesome faerie is in the land. Illusen supporters form groups and protest in front of the Neggery and spend their days dodging airborne neggs that fly from the windows. Tooth Faerie followers have been known to plant teeth under the pillows of unsuspecting Neopians in order to gain more support, while Jhuidah the Island Faerie is famous for handing out free items for her cooking pot to anyone roaming the streets to encourage them to visit her. The battle has been ongoing for ages. No one will ever be able to band together and decide on just one faerie to stand above them all, but there are many reasons that the following faeries have landed themselves in this top ten list of Neopian Faeries.

10. The Faerie Queen, Fyora

The ruler of all Neopian Faeries, this lady has elegant and regal chiseled in every fiber of her being. Her magic scepter, with all its purple power, is always at her side. She spends her days keeping tabs on all faeries flitting around Neopia, but her biggest duty is to make sure that the Hidden Tower is kept well stocked with desirable items. Neopians from every land are known to visit her frequently when they finally manage to find her well hidden tower in Faerieland, and a lot of them are after her coveted high class items that can’t be bought in any other Neopian shop. However, she will not cater to Neopians that are less than four months old. Stick around long enough to be an old timer, and Fyora will allow those over 5 years old to get a special 3% discount on the third Wednesday of every month. What makes going to see this lady worth it isn’t hidden just in the items she sells, which include rare paintbrushes like Darigan, Royal, Maractite, and Baby, but in the fact that you could potentially gain a few different avatars from purchasing items found within her shops.

9. The Crafting Faerie, Delina

This new to Neopia faerie is all the rage with frequent NC Mall item seekers. This crafty, jack-of-all-trades, spunky lady showed up in Neopia in Y13, after the fall of Faerieland. She was sought out to help Neopia rebuild their lands, and now she just kind of hangs around and offers her services to those seeking NC items. Her quests are strictly Neocash related, and are ones that you can go directly to her for (when she happens to be in her shop, and not out gathering items for her latest inventions). Pop into her shop and catch her there (it is random), and she will send you out to find her materials from the NC Mall that she will craft into fancy wearable items for you and your pet to show off to your friends.

8. The Dark Faerie, Jhudora

Perched high above Faerieland, you will find a rundown castle surrounded by a grove of gnarly and twisted trees. Within this castle sits Jhudora, the Dark Faerie. If you dare to knock on her rotting door, she will haughtily demand that you run an errand for her, and will grudgingly give you a prize if you return within her allotted time frame. Jhudora’s quests can be quite pricey to get the items she needs, and in the lower levels of questing you will lose more NP than you gain from her items. If you can manage to hang in there, near Level 40, her prizes start getting better and are worth a bit more. Think you have what it takes to knock on her door enough times to reach Level 50? If you have the guts to take on the challenge (and the NP), you may be rewarded with the Wand of the Dark Faerie, which is extremely valuable.

7. The Earth Faerie, Illusen

If Jhudora just seems too cold, snappy, and creepy for your tastes, you can choose to deal with Illusen, the Earth Faerie (who, rightfully so, just happens to be Jhudora’s archrival). If you choose not to do Jhudora’s quest for the day, Illusen will gladly send you hunting to find her items. Situated in the hilly lands of Meridell, her home welcomes you with a quaint air of country living. Just like Jhudora (ssshhh.. Don’t tell Illusen we said that!), her quests can be completed daily. Again, unless you are shooting for avatars or expensive items, her quests really aren’t worth the prize to NP cost ratio. She rewards those who complete Level 50 with Illusen’s Staff, which is far more valuable than the Wand of the Dark Faerie. Choose wisely, though. If you complete one of Jhudora’s Quests for the day, Illusen will not open her door to you and welcome you to try a quest. And vice versa; Jhudora doesn’t want to see you hanging around her house if you have been cozying up to Illusen for the day. Rivals, yanno? Can’t live with ‘em...

6. The Fire Faerie

Neopia is bountiful with Fire Faeries floating around, playing tricks on Neopians when they least expect it. These brilliantly orange beauties love to spend their days lying in the sun, playing pranks on passersby, and occasionally, will hand out a quest. Being notorious for their love of the latest trends in fashion, these pampered ladies will pop up out of nowhere and beg you to bring them a clothing item. If you are feeling generous, you can get the item for her and turn it in. While she models the item you just brought to her, make sure that she levels up your active pet’s strength by 2 points before she heads out on the catwalk. They can be a bit vain, and vanity tends to cloud out all other necessities.

5. The Water Faerie

Anytime that you happen to find yourself near a body of water in Neopia, you might manage to be greeted by a Water Faerie. Since their name is quite obvious, it isn’t hard to figure out that they love to spend their days swimming with the Flotsams and partaking in Seafood Pasta Salad. When they manage to get near dry land, their thirst for knowledge overtakes them and sends them off to find a Neopian to hunt down some brain food for them. If a Water Faerie appears before you with a quest, she will always ask for a book from you. If she has ventured out of the water, you can guarantee that she will be in an uppity manner, since her fins are drying out and she is yearning for knowledge. Don’t let her “holier than thou” attitude put you off; she really is a sweetheart when she is surrounded by H2O. Give her the book she wants, and she will bestow your active pet’s defence by 2 points before she hurries back to the nearest body of water.

4. The Light Faerie

If you happen to run into a faerie within the realms of Neopia that finds it necessary to read your palm, or offers for you to sit down while she reads your cards, you can bet that 90% of the time it will be a Light Faerie (the other 10% of the time it is probably a gypsy looking for spare neopoints). Light Faeries are great seers of all things past, present, and future, and have a severe dedication to doing all things good. If you can manage to look past the blinding glow of her wings, and sit through your future being told to you, she will offer you a quest. Light Faeries are forever looking for more cards to add to their decks, so it is befitting that she would request for you to return with a Neodeck card. Complete her quest, and she will lovingly raise your active pet’s level by 1 point. As you head on your merry way, she may call out bits of your future to you, leaving you to worry for days on end if what she predicted will come true.

3. The Soup Faerie

New Neopians, or those who are low on their luck, can head on over to the welcoming arms of the Soup Faerie. She likes to spend her days feeding those with less than 3000 neopoints (this includes NP on hand and in the bank; she does remain vigilant) and offering them some warm words of encouragement. This gentle soul, who loves to spend her days slaving away at her stove in her comfy jeans and work shirt, pairs up with the Money Tree and uses all those proceeds to help out those in need. If you ever find yourself down on your luck, and needing a helping hand, this lovely lady is standing by to help you out until you can get back on your feet.

2. The Space Faerie, Mira

Living deep within the stars of Neopia lies the luminescent Space Faerie, Mira. One tough cookie, she spends all of her time keeping tabs on the evil Dr. Sloth, making sure that his nefarious deeds are thwarted before they can reach the lands of Neopia. A firm advocate for Grundos, she had a hand in the founding of the Virtupets Space Station’s own Adopt-A-Grundo society. Since she spends so much time with a watchful eye on Dr. Sloth, she rarely makes a visit to the lands of Neopia. When she does, it’s because she is in dire need of items to keep Neopia safe. Her quests, when they are rarely handed out, ask for items that are uncommon, or rare. Don’t let this deter you, for if you can help her out you will be granted FOUR, not 1 or 2 or 3, but FOUR levels on your active pet. If you are lucky enough to redeem a rare item code attached to real life merchandise, you will be able to get Mira as a Battledome opponent. She is rumored to be a stealthy and very hard to beat opponent.

1. The Fountain Faerie, Naia

The faerie held in highest regards is none other than Naia, the Fountain Faerie. This elusive faerie maintains the Rainbow Fountain, a pretty little cove nestled in the brilliant colors of Faerieland. Often mistaken for the Water Faerie, many Neopians have completed quests that they thought were for the Water Faerie and were mightily surprised when they were given the option to visit the Rainbow Fountain with ONE of their Neopets, for a beautiful painting of their choosing (minus the following colors: 8-bit, Magma, MSP, Usuki, Ice, Robot, Quiguki, Royal, and Sponge). A good way to be certain of which faerie you are on a quest for is to look at the Random Event you received. The Fountain Faerie is quite demure in style, and doesn’t have any whistles or bells going for her. The Water Faerie, on the other hand, is draped in pearls with a big hair band hairstyle, and is floating along in a stream of bubbles. Naia’s quests can be VERY pricey, but if you manage to complete one, you will have the paint job of your dreams. Don’t forget that MANY pets can give out avatars when they are painted certain colors, so you might take that into account if you can land yourself a precious Fountain Faerie Quest. She is the least frequently seen faerie, and the most sought after.

There are many different faeries within Neopia. Some you can go to for a quest, like Taelia the Snow Faerie or Jhuidah the Island Faerie. Others show up randomly with a quest for you, such as the Tooth Faerie and Air Faerie. Most quests will send you away with a prize that you can do what you like with. Some will give you avatars. There are times you will decline the quests, and times that you will wish for one. Either way, keep a look out for these listed faeries that are a step above the others!

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