Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 187,548,790 Issue: 518 | 28th day of Collecting, Y13
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by mistyqee

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Something's Not Right Here...
There's something different about you, but I can't put my finger on it. Did you get a haircut?

by belowzerokelvin


The Trail to Woe
Traversing Neovia at night is dangerous.

by _couch_puncher_


Toddlers' Tricks and Treats: A Guide to Exploring Haunted Neopia with your Baby Neopet
For those of us with Baby Neopets, this exciting but macabre celebration poses something of a challenge; how do we involve our sweet, sensitive youngsters in the hair-raising fun without scaring them senseless?

by mrs_cherish


The Switch
The sun was nowhere in sight, having been shoved aside by the grumpy clouds, and Jhudora was rather happy about this.

by maraqua_berry

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