Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 187,548,790 Issue: 518 | 28th day of Collecting, Y13
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New Series

A Deal with the Daniels: Part One

He raised his paw and envisioned a powerful blast of energy shooting forward. Instead only smoke poured from his fist.

"Okay, okay, smoke is good," he assured himself.

by a_greenparrot

The Witch and the Mortog: Part One

Wait, you say you have never heard the story? Surely you remember the story about Edna's curse, and the bewitched Mortog, and the way Vira became unfortunately notorious after...

by secant
Protectors of the Fourth Wall: Part One

"First off, I must warn you that what you are about to hear may forever alter your perception of reality and life in general."

by gold_fang
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"Haunted" by killing_the_queen
They say that Hubrid Nox is dead. But this isn't true. Magax knows โ€“ Nox is still there inside his head, telling him lies and trying to manipulate him, tainting his thoughts, haunting him. It wreaks havoc on his sanity โ€“ what little he has left โ€“ to know that even now, Nox can control him so completely. You were never meant to be a hero, boy. Magax presses his fingers to his temple as if he can reach in and grab the traitorous whisper. Hush, he begs, but all he gets in return is...

Other Stories


Once Upon a Halloween Night
"Can't we BUY a costume like all the other pets? Don't we have over 400k?! Surely you can spare a couple thousand for a decent costume!"

by konakoro


My Life for the Haunted Woods
It is a commonly known fact that the Haunted Woods north of the desert are dangerous at night.

by nintyplayer


13 Spooky Savings!
Tired of spending thousands upon thousands of neopoints over Halloween?

by antarticrose


Toddlers' Tricks and Treats: A Guide to Exploring Haunted Neopia with your Baby Neopet
For those of us with Baby Neopets, this exciting but macabre celebration poses something of a challenge; how do we involve our sweet, sensitive youngsters in the hair-raising fun without scaring them senseless?

by mrs_cherish


Something's Not Right Here...
There's something different about you, but I can't put my finger on it. Did you get a haircut?

by belowzerokelvin


Mad as a Hatter - Halloween Edition
Feepits 1, Meepits 0.

by kookiekimme

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