A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 188,352,107 Issue: 532 | 10th day of Awakening, Y14
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Oh Em Gee, I'm MSP: Eglet

by shamaela

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The New Student: Looks Can Be Deceiving
"Class, as you may have heard, there will be a new student joining us today. I hope you would all treat him respectfully..."

by jamespongebob


Clues in the Hidden Tower: Sparkles's Mystery - Part Five
"This means they couldn't have done it," Sparkles suggested, now glad that her new faerie friends were officially innocent.

by downrightdude


What to Wear For Valentine's Day
Need to know the best wearables to dress your Neopet in for Valentine's Day? Read this!

by brgreat101


Fast Cash through Gaming: Month of Awakening
That 'new year' smell? Long gone. But that resolution you made to achieve all your Neo goals this year? Why, that's still a work in progress.

by cdrex22

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