Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 188,352,107 Issue: 532 | 10th day of Awakening, Y14
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Short Stories

the healing springs

you are a faerie of the sea; it is not long before you slip from the market-place rivers and return to the oceans of maraqua...

by pandora
The Once Lonely Krawk

Once upon a time there lived a Mutant Krawk by the name of Argyle. Argyle was not your average Krawk, though. Argyle lived in a glass bottle.

by surealiish
The Aftermath

"Just think about it!" Nabile insisted, trailing after her husband. "The more help you guys have, the faster it'll be to crack the villain behind the Faerieland madness."

by illumiinate

"Even though your birthday isn't for another two weeks, your siblings and I decided to give you your biggest birthday gift early, if you want it," Tiana explained, her face beaming.

by allison_kitty11
The New Student: Looks Can Be Deceiving

"Class, as you may have heard, there will be a new student joining us today. I hope you would all treat him respectfully..."

by jamespongebob
The Guardian: Fyora's Best Quest

Fyora looked out of a window, watching a group of gleeful young Neopets making a beeline for the Rainbow Fountain. She shook her head...

by alt1981black
The Pendant

This is a tale of a Ed the bruce, Valentines, and “ST END”?

by silvergullmon77
Chocolate For Two

Their moods were overcast with gloom as they approached the docks. No tears were shed, for it was doubtful that either had any left.

by cactusthorn2151
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Anti-Valentine's Day

Love is in the air; weewoos sing joyous songs, and the Chocolate Factory is full of neopets buying sweets for their sweet. It's all so happy and romantic. Blech! Sure, it's all fine and dandy for all of those saps, but what if you're tired of going the traditional route for Valentine's Day? Perhaps you just hate the holiday? You may even be like me, and are allergic to pink (it's a serious condition)....

Other Stories


Fast Cash through Gaming: Month of Awakening
That 'new year' smell? Long gone. But that resolution you made to achieve all your Neo goals this year? Why, that's still a work in progress.

by cdrex22


Top 10 Candy Gift Ideas for Valentines Day
Gifts like cards and flowers are nice and there is nothing wrong with them, but we all know that everybody loves getting candy.

Also written by ipod_diva_92

by mikh26


Petpet Adventures: Let It Snow - Part Three
"We'll never find their tracks if this snow keeps covering them up," Emari complained, and Tvarla had to agree with her.

by rachelindea


When Neopia Turns Evil: Part Seven
"You're not the chosen ones! We are!" said Norman.

by hannahcreep


Chance of Rain - Valentines Gifts
They'll just give each other cards next time...

by mizumew


Dice-A-Roo # 4 - Oh No!!
What happened to your neopoints pot?

by toffeedatepudding

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