Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 188,352,107 Issue: 532 | 10th day of Awakening, Y14
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Love is in the Air

by amarillida

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Order of Four: Part Four
I sat there for what must have been hours, staring blankly at the skyline of Neopia Central. It had seemed so exciting a year ago, beckoning me with a promise of novelty and opportunity. Now I saw the jagged grey buildings and they looked inexpressibly ugly to me.

by jokerhahaazzz


The New Student: Looks Can Be Deceiving
"Class, as you may have heard, there will be a new student joining us today. I hope you would all treat him respectfully..."

by jamespongebob


Tender Toddler's Treasures: A Guide to Valentine's Gifts for your Baby Neopet
So, of course, you'll want to get your wuvwy liddle baby something extra special for Valentine's Day, to show them just how much you love luff wuv them. But what?

by mrs_cherish


Ten Valentines Outfits for your Neopet!
It's time for Valentines Day outfits! We're here to share some looks that are fun and fashionable for users with both NC and NP budgets!

Also by kaylaftw

by pretty_feet

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