There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 188,352,107 Issue: 532 | 10th day of Awakening, Y14
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Owner Optional #1: Valentine's Day

by shusu_chan

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Great stories!


Bread and Butter - Valentine's Day Special
The woes of being edible.

by _epiphany_


Celebrating the Right Way: With Chocolate!
Chocolate is a delicious substance that can make anything better. If you don't believe us, it is extremely important that you read this article.

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Stealing Stones: Part One
"I must confess, I did not know you were a diamond fan."

"I must confess, neither did I," Jennings remarked.

by herdygerdy


Ten Valentines Outfits for your Neopet!
It's time for Valentines Day outfits! We're here to share some looks that are fun and fashionable for users with both NC and NP budgets!

Also by kaylaftw

by pretty_feet

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