White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 189,992,332 Issue: 565 | 5th day of Collecting, Y14
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It's Always Sunny in the Lost Desert

by shehadaname1

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Muckla and the King
Because everybody know that you can do a lot worse than desire the demands of a herd of lime Doglefox.

by lovisa966


G&S: Woes of Being Biscuit
Based on my biscuit pet Seivoure, and his dream of hot borovan.

by rainndrip


Missing Hubrid Nox? Create your very own replica!
I'm sure many Neopians have been missing the sight of Hubrid Nox since his unfortunate demise, but fear not - now you can create your very own Hubrid Nox plushie to sit by your computer!

by dragonsflame_uk


Random Oddness
The Healing Springs: scary powerful.

by mistyqee

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