Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 190,028,839 Issue: 566 | 12th day of Collecting, Y14
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Lame Pun Presents: Von Roo

by blackaavar

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We heard you like pets...
so TNT gave your pet a pet so you can play with your pet while you play with your pet!

by hideri


I Will Stand Alone: Part Eight
Asyir and Seji would be ready to deal with anyone who broke through, or fight if it all went wrong.

Jazan, with both sword and magic, had to be prepared to fight the Werhond.

by saphira_27


DIY Dimensional
Even if Dimensional paint brushes begin to appear in the world, chances are they will cost more than Adam's asparagus times two! So, what's a Neopet owner to do in the mean time?

by fantasyeyesuk


Top 10 Things You Should Know About Fyora!
In all recorded history of Neopia, Fyora has been the Queen of the Faeries, or sometimes known as the Lady of the Western Skies.

Also by gwendarwen

by rebourne_

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