For an easier life Circulation: 164,193,660 Issue: 179 | 25th day of Awakening, Y7
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by sistagirl86

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Juicy, Sweet and...Yellow!
When you look at all the fruits around you, you’ll see that the most common and natural-looking color is none other than…yellow. A yellow fruit looks much more delicious then a red one even if the yellow one is made of dung!

by shadowninjawarrior


A Rather Unsuccessful Attempt at an April Fool's Joke
Something caught the dark faeries interest as she was floating by. It was a Chia, carrying a bunch of paper to print. After a few seconds, Onda realized that it had to be... the Neopian Times!

by shadowcristal


Guide to Job Snatching
You can play games or restock, but I find the Faerieland Employment Agency more fun. Of course, there is a daily limit... and this article is all about the famous FEA.

by fireworks_kitty


Re@llY Cr@zY
That's why I don't....

by sukuyumaruchan

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