Meow Circulation: 164,193,660 Issue: 179 | 25th day of Awakening, Y7
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Short Stories

A Rather Unsuccessful Attempt at an April Fool's Joke

Something caught the dark faeries interest as she was floating by. It was a Chia, carrying a bunch of paper to print. After a few seconds, Onda realized that it had to be... the Neopian Times!

by shadowcristal
Far-Fetched Friends

Mutant Grundo mind control machine? What’s next after deactivating the machine, we’ll use the now friendly Grundos to destroy Dr. Sloth?

Also by urangelbaby_6003

by poody_bear

The Case of the Derelict Jelly Neohome

Ez racked her brains as she tried to recall the address her friend had given her. Was it 100234 or 102340 Coconut Road? She was probably on the wrong side of the neighborhood. But Ionana the Chia had told her that his home was superbly visible...

by kushbi
Grundo's Legend: The Escape To Kreludor

"Perfect," whispered Sloth. "Just perfect. We will transmogrify all of the Grundos into Mutants, and then unleash them on Neopia. They will take over, and I will rule!"

by mooniebunnypenny
Journal: The Secret Safety Deposit Box

I can never resist a little excitement. So I left my backpack in my chair and followed Kyle and Nathan to the other side of the room.

by sarahsuk
The Other Side of The Story

I scanned the rows of empty Kadoatie cages, making sure each was perfect for when the first Kadoaties arrived.

by chocolateisamust
Meepit Breakfast Brigade

I unlocked the doors and walked back in the door. I realized I had forgotten and turned to fetch some out of the back room, when I heard the door open. I swung around and saw no one. I strolled into the lobby when I tripped. Whatever I tripped on started to squeal shrilly.

by sonic102009
The Loneliest Grundo

Everyone thought Equi was just "a mentally challenged Grundo" (to quote her most soft-spoken sister EekMeekSeek), but Sakura knew otherwise.

by shoveitgirl
The Courage to Save A Life

As they boarded the basket of the gigantic balloon, Kacey felt a sting of nervousness about being high above solid ground in a tiny basket crammed with Neopets and their owners.

by bladedkittiz
An Echo on the Wind

The specter relaxed his will, sighing. These people, they were so ignorant... So many had tried to figure him out. So many had tried and failed. He wondered why he was so intriguing. He was really just like everyone else...

by eternally_forgotten
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"The Courage to Save A Life" by bladedkittiz
As they boarded the basket of the gigantic balloon, Kacey felt a sting of nervousness about being high above solid ground in a tiny basket crammed with Neopets and their owners...

Other Stories


Beauty Contest A-Z
For such a simple competition it’s amazing how packed the Beauty Contest is with tricks, strategies, factions and long complicated words.

by blackbutterfky333


Employment Bites
A marketing world. A world filled with what normal creatures like to call jobs. And for those weird people, it’s what they like to call fun. Getting a job out there in Neopia is a toughie, and can take tons of perseverance, determination, and hard work.

by blubblub317


Double Agent: Part One
Sometimes I wish I had a challenge to trick, like Lord Kass, she thought.

by cruzerchic123


The Chronicles of Knight: The Knight Within - Part Two
She was not meant to be a statue, she told herself over and over. She was to be a knight.

by fierwym


Down 4 Maintenance #4
A tale of four needy faeries and one hungry Gelert.

by sistagirl86


Re@llY Cr@zY
That's why I don't....

by sukuyumaruchan

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