The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 164,193,660 Issue: 179 | 25th day of Awakening, Y7
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New Series

Zor: The First Case - Part One

"I heard no notice, mail, letter, or statement stating that I was allowed to come back. I know your manipulative games that you play. You always do the right thing, right? You have never done the right thing..."

by sirussblack
Shayret's Adventure: A Mystery in Meridell - Part One

He had once been the greatest detective in the world…but lately, business had been slow, and little by little Shayret had fallen out of the spotlight, which is why it was such a surprise to him when he woke up to see a letter from the king!

by rc81590
Hold-up At The Robo-Jello-Snow Convention!: Part One

"Nasty-wasty jello-brains and cog-head won't take me to the convenshun, said I didn't belong!" the little furry troublemaker bawled, casting a sideward mischievous glance at his brother and sister.

by tambourine_chimp
Double Agent: Part One

Sometimes I wish I had a challenge to trick, like Lord Kass, she thought.

by cruzerchic123
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"The Courage to Save A Life" by bladedkittiz
As they boarded the basket of the gigantic balloon, Kacey felt a sting of nervousness about being high above solid ground in a tiny basket crammed with Neopets and their owners...

Other Stories


The Other Side of The Story
I scanned the rows of empty Kadoatie cages, making sure each was perfect for when the first Kadoaties arrived.

by chocolateisamust


Grundo's Legend: The Escape To Kreludor
"Perfect," whispered Sloth. "Just perfect. We will transmogrify all of the Grundos into Mutants, and then unleash them on Neopia. They will take over, and I will rule!"

by mooniebunnypenny


Run, Glubgar, Run! A Guide to Volcano Run
For some reason, Glubgar the Scorchio keeps getting stuck in a volcano. It’s up to you to guide him to freedom, even though he’ll inevitably meet his doom…Oh, well. At least you’ll get a bundle of Neopoints for your troubles.

by chilling_apparition


A Neopian Guide to Collecting: No.1 Petpets
Collecting will become a hobby which, perhaps, will take as much of your spare time as Neopoints. It doesn’t mean you can’t collect items which aren’t extremely expensive....

by obn0xious


Burn Baby, Burn!
What NOT to do with your petpetpets...

by leedom111


Some Things Are Impossible
Just how do I do this...?

by howling_voice

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