Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 164,193,660 Issue: 179 | 25th day of Awakening, Y7
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Neopian Wackiness

by cherv1

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Silly Ghostkerchief
Wake up!

by spoooked


Far-Fetched Friends
Mutant Grundo mind control machine? What’s next after deactivating the machine, we’ll use the now friendly Grundos to destroy Dr. Sloth?

Also by urangelbaby_6003

by poody_bear


Guide to Job Snatching
You can play games or restock, but I find the Faerieland Employment Agency more fun. Of course, there is a daily limit... and this article is all about the famous FEA.

by fireworks_kitty


The Courage to Save A Life
As they boarded the basket of the gigantic balloon, Kacey felt a sting of nervousness about being high above solid ground in a tiny basket crammed with Neopets and their owners.

by bladedkittiz

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