Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 90,556,196 Issue: 161 | 8th day of Collecting, Y6
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The Makeover

by tkayjackson

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Syntax Error
Can't even get a good night's sleep...

by deadly_saiyan_v2


Guide for Feeding Kadoaties - Your Way of Being Kind
When it first came out, everyone started going crazy over these poor little Petpets. What made everyone be kind to feed like million worth of Draik eggs to these kitties?

by aquariss


The Neo-Rakarr: Part Two
"Marko," he said quickly. "You said Manny once called a Bearog to aid in battling a Monocerous. Couldn't we ask him to call some sort of flying Petpet to track them and to carry me there?"

by shelleylow


Oh, I see. It's a life-size doll...

by jupeboxgal

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