Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 90,556,196 Issue: 161 | 8th day of Collecting, Y6
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Short Stories


"If I could just touch it…" Max said miserably, "…then maybe I would know what it feels like right before you fulfill your dream…"

by shadih_temporary
The Oh Too Floppy Tongue

"It tastes a bit funny, Yas! It's green, so I suppose it must be apple, but it doesn't taste right."

by sophinee
That Clever Little Korbat

There's one thing I never quite understood about the Darigan Citadel. And it wasn't why it floated, it was why they kept Barallus under such tight guard...

by glory_myth
Pride Goes A Long Way

Shitona Town, where the gray paint brush was discovered. A homely village plagued by seemingly eternal sadness. In this desolate town, lived Shellia.

by triffin_
Little Lost Gruslen

"Don't give up hope, Razzle. Lets go inside. We will make up some posters and check the neighborhood. Maybe one of the neighbors has seen him."

by whimsycallie
The Potion

"It's working already," she said, a slight cackle in her voice. "It shouldn't take long to take on the full effect. And then he'll be mine to take. And mine only," she added.

by ginger23456
Golden Dreams

"We should only look at it when we need a little hope or inspiration, or maybe to find each other or ourselves again."

by alethea1
The Shadows in the Light

"Where is your owner?" it slipped out. I hadn't meant to ask that question, not yet, anyways. But it did seem such a beautiful, nice pet should have an owner.

by legilis
An Encounter With Elzzuf

"Yes, I'll do anything you ask. Anything at all! Just name it!"

by ladylupin3
True Friends

"Ewwwwww did you like fall from a building and land on your face or something, because it sure looks like it!"

by starlightneo98
Can You Count To Three?

"Thank you, thank you!" Ms. Insane exclaims snobbishly, not noticing that the students are unhappy that she's there. "Well, let's get the day started! Our first lesson is Math!"

by blubblub317
Reaching the Sky

"Dare to do things! That's what the books say…"

by shadowcristal
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"Golden Dreams" by alethea1
"We should only look at it when we need a little hope or inspiration, or maybe to find each other or ourselves again."

Other Stories


You Know You've Done Too Much Restocking When...
Re-stock-ing (v.) = The art of buying from Neopian shops and reselling in your own for profit.

by mgs__fox


Beating Spam into Mince Meat!
What is spam? Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages. Don’t get me started about what spammers are!

by plushieowner


Princess of Erodaire III: Part Six
"My mother...Aletha...tell me more about her," I said in a steady voice, almost as if I was trying to order him to do so.

by christinetran


The Sweetest Acara: Part One
Whitney, as if reminded of her ill fate with her employer, sighs deeply and sadly. The showers lighten up slightly, and she looks up to the sky wistfully, dreamily.

by scarletrhapsody


Wishful Thinking
"Meepit Munch"

by barbcat00


What do you do when your Neopet's Petpet's Petpetpet is bored?

by evilbob111

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