Upon the Walls is a Powerful Rage: Part One by shadih_temporary
"Jay… Mad… I have to tell you guys something," a blue Uni
spoke to her friends.
The Uni's name was Ginger. School had just let
out a couple minutes ago. Ginger had met up with her two best friends: Jay,
a red Grarrl, and Mad, a red Gelert. The trio would always met up after a long
day at school so that they could walk home together. It was rare that they actually
found something to talk about. Most of the time, the three kicked cans and stared
into space as they traveled home. But today, Ginger had news.
"Okay, shoot," Jay said, beginning to trudge
down a long dirt path. The path would eventually bring the pets to their homes.
Mad and Ginger tagged alongside Jay, trying
their best not to let the straps on their extremely heavy backpacks bruise their
shoulders. Ginger just couldn't bring herself to tell her friends the news she
had. She was much too excited.
"Well, let's hear it!" Mad exclaimed.
"Oh, just thinking about it makes me feel so
light-headed," Ginger fanned herself. It was scorching hot outside, seeing as
how it was spring and nearing summer. "I doubt I'll be able to speak uninterrupted.
But, anyway… you guys ready?"
"Yes!" Mad and Jay said in unison, stopping
as Ginger did.
"Well… I bought my own Neohome!" Ginger suddenly
exclaimed, twirling around and yelping in happiness.
"Oh, that's awesome!" Jay grinned.
"Yeah! Congrats! Can we see it?" Mad questioned
"It hasn't been finished yet," explained Ginger.
"Well, technically it has. It's been there for over 100 years, apparently. The
house is just being checked over by some professionals to make sure the roof
won't collapse on my head or anything while I'm asleep."
"Man… Ginger, where'd you get all the Neopoints
to afford this?" asked a curious Jay.
"I've been doing a lot for my current next door
neighbors," Ginger began walking again. "That includes petpet-sitting, mowing
the lawn, cleaning the house, etcetera, etcetera. Blah blah blah…"
"I see," Jay nodded.
"Oh, I can't wait until they're done and I can
move out of my sister's home!" Ginger yelled. "I can't stand her!"
"Neither can I," Mad rolled his eyes.
Ginger's sister, Gloria, was a purple Grundo.
And she was probably the most annoying thing you'll ever meet in your entire
life. Gloria always found a way to take everything Ginger and her friends said
and twist the words around. Gloria had spread probably millions of rumors about
her sister, by now. And she wasn't showing any signs of stopping soon.
"Soon… oh so soon… I'll be out of her nasty
house! Yay!" Ginger giggled.
Jay and Mad laughed along with her, and the
trio trudged down the dirt path and towards their homes.
Several weeks had passed since Ginger first
paid the 10,000 Neopoints needed for the rather old Neohome. The inspectors
she hired to make sure the home she bought was secure had finished checking
it out. They told her it was fine.
That night, Ginger decided to take Mad and Jay
over to her new home to show it off. After all, she was moving into it tomorrow
afternoon. The three tore down a dirt path leading away from Gloria's house
and towards Ginger's house on bicycles, joking and talking all the way down
It wasn't pitch black outside yet, but the moon
had risen and the stars were out. The trio zoomed past rotting trees and dead
leaves. Barbats screeched and Whoots hooted. It was truly a rather spooky scene.
But Ginger and her pals ignored it. They were much too excited about seeing
the house.
But soon, they began to tire of pedaling.
"Are we there yet?" Mad's head drooped as he
"No," Ginger scoffed.
"How far?" Jay whined.
"Shush!" Ginger snapped. "We'll be there, soon.
Don't worry, the ride there is worth it. The house is amazing."
Jay and Mad moaned.
"We're almost there!" Ginger exclaimed, gleefully.
"I'll race ya!"
And at that, Ginger began pedaling extremely
hard. Her bicycle nearly flew down the dirt path, tossing dirt into the air
behind her. Jay and Mad continued to pedal rather slowly, groaning as their
feet hurt. Soon, the trees began to clear. Ginger and her friends were out of
the forest, but continued to travel down a path now surrounded by grassy fields.
"Dude, how many times do we have to circle Neopia
before we reach your house?" whined Mad.
"Zero," Ginger smiled. "We're here."
Mad and Jay then stood up on their bicycle pedals
to see over Ginger's head. And sure enough, Ginger's house was just up an oncoming
hill. The house was two-stories, and made of stucco. The house looked extremely
old. The paint on the exterior of the house had all chipped away, leaving an
ugly grey colour behind, and there were a few busted windows and broken shutters.
Nevertheless, it still was in pretty good shape. Most homes that old are about
ready to fall to pieces.
"Woo hoo! Finally!" Jay exclaimed.
"Ginger, it'll be pretty tough getting from
your house to school, don't you think?" Mad grinned.
Ginger laughed. "Hey, a lazy Uni like me could
use the exercise."
Ginger and her friends finally reached her new
home, and parked their bikes in the front yard.
"The previous owners sold this old house to
me rather cheap," Ginger eyed a broken window. "That's why I bought it. And
I guess that's why it's so battered up. Either way, I'm still pretty lucky.
Houses this old usually go for much higher prices. I'm talking in the hundred
"This place could really use some work," Jay
stared at the house, horrified.
"We should all get together tomorrow after school
and paint the outside," Mad shrugged. "It's a start."
"I'd like that," Ginger smiled. "Thanks guys."
"Let's check out the inside!" Jay suddenly shouted,
hopping onto the front porch and through the front door.
"Jay, wait!" Ginger cried. But it was too late.
Jay was inside.
Mad scratched the back of his head. "That Grarrl
amuses me."
"C'mon," Ginger said to Mad. "Let's check out
the backyard."
Mad nodded. The two walked around the side of
the house and found themselves in the backyard. It was a terrifying view to
Ginger and Mad. Huge weeds literally blanketed the very few blades of grass
that existed back there. Glass bottles, cardboard boxes, paper, and all sorts
of trash could be seen scattered throughout the yard.
"This place is a mess!" Ginger gaped
in awe at the backyard.
"Oh, and I hate picking weeds!" Mad groaned.
"But, hey, I'll help you with this, too."
"Don't," Ginger said, suddenly. "Unless you
want to. I don't want it to seem as if you're my slave or something."
"Nah, I'll help out," Mad wasn't going to give
Ginger shrugged. "If you really want to, go
ahead. And thanks again!"
"Shall we see what Jay's up to?"
"Hmm… do we have to?"
Mad and Ginger snickered. "C'mon."
The two walked around the side of the house
again, and stepped onto the front porch. The front door was shut tight.
"Er… Jay left the door open when he went inside,"
Ginger locked her eyes onto the black door.
"So?" Mad touched the doorknob with his paw
and turned it.
"He left the door open… and now it's closed."
"Ginger, don't."
Mad pushed the door open and stepped inside
the house. Ginger followed.
"Oh, don't even get me started on the interior!"
Mad cried.
It was a pretty bad sight, as well. The withered
floorboards below their feet were grey and covered in dust. Several cracks were
seen in the grey walls. Cobwebs could be seen just about everywhere: in corners,
on the chandelier in the living room, on the windows, on the doors, and just
about everywhere else.
"Ugh! Cobwebs!" Ginger gasped and drew back
a little. "If I see a Spyder in this house, I will tumble down those stairs
and throw myself through a window just to get away from them. You watch, Mad.
You watch!"
"Don't worry, I'll get rid of any Spyders I
see," Mad reassured the frightened Ginger.
"Hmm… where's Jay?" Ginger noticed the Grarrl
had not greeted them, yet.
"Jay?!" Mad called out. "Where are you?!"
There came no reply.
"Keep quiet," Mad looked at Ginger. "I'm sure
he's hiding in the shadows somewhere, getting ready to jump out and give us
a big, fat 'Boo!' We'll hear him breathing or something."
Ginger did as Mad said. She held her breath
and didn't budge an inch, allowing her eyes to dart around the room, looking
for any signs of Jay hiding. And then, she began to hear someone crying. It
sounded as if it were a little girl.
"Mad," Ginger said, scanning the room. "Do you
hear that?"
"Hear… what?" Mad eyed Ginger perceptively.
"Crying," Ginger whispered. "There's someone
crying! Someone's in the house!"
"Ginger, wait!" Mad reached his arm forward,
attempting to grab Ginger's shoulder. But she had already started down a short
hallway and into the kitchen.
"Hello?! Who's back there?!" Ginger cried.
As soon as Ginger put her right hoof down on
the ripped-up linoleum of the kitchen floor, the crying suddenly came to an
abrupt stop and the pantry door right next to her swung open. Out hopped a shadowed
figure. It roared loudly and extended its arms towards Ginger, revealing sharp
Ginger screamed, wide-eyed, and stumbled back.
She bumped into the door leading to the basement, ripping the door off its hinges.
The door fell back onto a flight of stairs leading down, and Ginger fell onto
the door. The basement door slid down the grimy, cement steps leading into the
basement, with Ginger lying on top.
Down the stairs and onto the cold, basement
floor, Ginger and the door landed. Mad rushed down the stairs and into the basement.
"Ginger, are you okay?!" Mad bent down beside
Ginger suddenly sat up and rubbed the back of
her head. "The thing in the pantry! What was that?!"
"That was Jay."
Ginger stared at Mad, confused. She looked up
the stairs to find Jay, waving happily at her. "Sorry," he said, simply.
"Jay, how did you do that?" Ginger tilted her
"I… pushed the pantry door open with my… hand,"
Jay raised an eyebrow at Ginger. "And then I jumped out and screamed in your
"Not that!" Ginger snapped. "The crying noises!
How did you make those noises?! It sounded just as if a little girl were crying,
and your voice is too deep to make a noise like that."
"What are you talking about?" Jay was just as
confused as Ginger. "I wasn't making any crying noises."
"Stop fooling around!" Ginger yelled.
"Ginger, I didn't hear any crying, either."
Mad stood up.
"But… how can that be? I know I heard someone
crying! There was no way you two couldn't have heard it!" Ginger hopped up,
brushing dust and debris off of herself.
"Okay, now you're scaring me," Jay stepped out
of the doorway and into the living room.
Ginger scoffed. Mad watched her, concerned.
"I guess it must be the pressure of moving into
the huge, creepy house that's making you hear things, eh?" He crossed his arms.
Ginger turned her head and glared at Mad. "Don't
She took one step forward and stepped on something
hard. The object caused her to stumble backwards and land on the door, again.
"That is it!" Ginger stood up, infuriated.
"What in the WORLD could I have tripped-oh my gosh!"
"What?" Mad said.
Ginger bent down and picked up the object she
had slipped on.
"Is that a…?" Mad began.
"Yes!" Ginger exclaimed. "It's a grey paintbrush!"
What Ginger held in her hooves was indeed a
grey paintbrush. The wood making up the handle of the paintbrush was chipped
and rotting. The bristles were hard, but there was still a fresh glob of grey
paint on the end of the paintbrush.
"Wow! What are the odds of us finding this here?"
Ginger couldn't take her eyes off the very rare paintbrush.
"Is it real?" Mad examined it. "Ya sure it's
not a plushie?"
"I'm sure! Look! There's wet paint on it!"
"Yea, isn't it?"
"Say, why don't we use that brush to paint the
outside of your house?"
"Mad, are you insane?! This paintbrush could
be worth… millions!"
"Ginger… it's in terrible shape."
"So? For all we know it could still work! And
therefore be worth something!"
"Regular paintbrushes are harder to find than
magical paintbrushes."
"Yet magical paintbrushes are pricier!"
"C'mon Ginger, this'll be much easier."
"Yea… but…"
"Then it's settled! Do me a favour and go wash
the paint off of this thing. I'm gonna go confront Jay."
Ginger grinned, and nodded. She held the paintbrush
carefully and started up the stairs, wincing at the sound of the stairs creaking.
Ginger had read several horror novels where the stairs creak. And ever since,
she's had a phobia for creaky stairs.
Finally, she reached the top of the stairs.
Mad followed. Ginger stopped in the hallway separating the kitchen and the living
"Hmm… I wish I knew where the bathroom was,"
she eyed her surroundings.
"You mean this is your house and you don't know
where the bathroom is?" Mad arched an eyebrow.
"Shut up," Ginger sort of snickered to herself.
"It's upstairs," Jay suddenly butt into the
"How would you know?" Ginger questioned him.
"I was hiding in there at first," Jay winked.
Ginger scoffed, and eyed the rather long flight
of stairs leading to the second story. Ginger placed her left hoof on the stair
railing, and started up them. They creaked loudly, just as the basement stairs
had done. She stopped on the second stair and stared at the second floor.
"Scared?" Jay laughed.
"Shush," Mad whispered.
"No, I'm not scared… just-" Ginger began. She
was cut off by a large shadow that had just cast itself upon the wall at the
top of the stairs.
To be continued…