For an easier life Circulation: 96,497,777 Issue: 189 | 6th day of Hunting, Y7
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Who knew it was the Shop Wizard?

by fiery_little_shoyru
Senseless StafferZ

Help me find it :-(

Also by kikik312

by nano_cat


Ways to get odd looks # 1....

by kesomon
Insanity Restored

What beautiful eyes...

by radditz
Speck the Speckled


by cheetah_kougra
Tall Tales of Old Kougras

Ever feel that maybe your grandpa isn't the best source of information?

by aewolf165

Hot enough?

by wrath
Smelly Nelly

"Is a mummy."

by i_hate_backstabbers
The Misadventures of a Pink Lenny

"Garden Makeover"

Drawn by funandgames999

by immortalmina

The Sky is Falling!

How can the sky fall?

by goldchocobo21
Minutes of Entertainment

Please heal us!

Art by funandgames999

by springsteen0991

Tiki Trouble!

Now, which way is the exit?

by zaffylover
So Now You Know

What's up with Usul neck fur?

by _hogwarts_61
Makyan and Me

Sorry, the fountain isn't working right now...

by cleoannie
Scary Berry

AAAH! It's hideous!

Art by shadih_temporary

by brittgirl120

Lab Ray Mishaps: Episode 2 Part 1

I can't wait to show everyone!

by xtrat
Neopian Cliche

What's that for?

by umberstellar
Worse Than You #3

"Too Many Brown Lennies"

Art by christinetran

by sirussblack

K's Komic


by channies
Random Life

Too much chocolate...

by nolwe
Yurbles and Kougras and Bori! Oh my!

Someone to look UP to...

by unicorn_fantasy13
Pojo's Paintbrush - Warf Rescue Twisted Edition

Why didn't anyone think of this before?

by pojolocohammerfoot
The Mysterious Symol Hole

How do you get a Symol out of a hole?

by sum41girl2k
XD - The Comic

Not a good idea...

Written by brettinterrupted

by happyneo_89

Crazed... Whatever That Means

You're pretty!

Also by lukeneedsatrim

by humblely


Why do they call them "Niptors"?

by glowing_banana
Ironies of Neopia

New and improved :-)

Also by shadih_temporary

by blubblub317

All Ears

"Krawk Island Vacation"

by tdyans
Everyday Adventures of Zack Zafara


by rufusrockskp
A Ghost Story

A ghost!! Run!!

by darkwolf__untamed
A Bit On the Slorgie Side

You won!

by wossino123
From a Slorg's Point of View

Have you ever wondered what a Slorg thinks about the game Attack of the Slorgs?

by sunshine_1470
Search the Neopian Times


"Sewage Surfers" by extreme_fj0rd
Matt's gaze dropped down--and then down again. A tiny blue Kacheek stood in the muck; the sludge that covered half of Matt's boots came to the Kacheek's knees.

Other Stories


The Tooth Faerie's Magic
"And you're the only one who takes their lost teeth away," the Uni remarked, getting up and sniffing the rattling bag. "You could use an apprentice or something."

by ssjelitegirl


A Paw To Hold On To
I froze and turned my head towards the clutching party gingerly. Standing there, leaning over the bushy, wispy fur of my tail, was a small yellow Kacheek.

Also by hottamale0774

by chocolateisamust


Interview with Snargan: The Skeith behind the Game
It’s caused both tears of joy and tears of sorrow in more hopeful Neopians than you might think. Double or Nothing is a game solely dependant on luck – and, of course, the size of the player’s purse.

by really_awesome_d00d


What They Don't Tell You About Usuki Frenzy...
You look at the bottom of that screen trying to see which Usukis to gather, but you can’t seem to get the right ones in a good enough time to get a trophy! Frustrated, right?

by x_rooster_x


Then There Were Six: Part Four
"I haven't found Iyana yet, but after her we'll need to check the Fountain Faerie and then find a way to figure out how those not in Faerieland have fared."

by jade_steel


The Beauty Shop of Horrors: Part Three
Sloth thought that using his codename was a brilliant idea, since obviously no one would figure out it was him. Well, of course, when he had his wig and make-up on no one would...

by blubblub317

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