Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 96,497,777 Issue: 189 | 6th day of Hunting, Y7
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Continued Series

The Chronicles of Knight: The Knight Within - Part Twelve

"Though Darigan had reclaimed the Citadel, both his kingdom and Meridell face the greatest problem we have had in many years."

by fierwym
The Shade Flame Legacy: Valrigard: Part Seven

"Don't try that one again, Gelert. Your plans are pathetic, and you know it. I feel about as much sorrow for you as I do Jeran, when he fell from the Citadel. Do you understand? None."

by smurfafied1800
Rad'emant Tineela: Part Eight

"You mean that poor excuse for a Lenny we bashed back in 'Merry Daisies'?" the Aisha mocked. "You would risk your lives for that impudent girl by challenging me, Hamar Loreanon and my Wailing Devils? Very well then..."

by dragonfate
Rage Alone III: Ambitions - Part Six

All eyes followed the cruiser just east of where they all stood. It passed over their heads with a loud boom as the air was displaced by the blue flames and roaring engines...

by nomad2
Moonlit Peaks: Part Five

"I'm not going to hurt you, Flurry," she said calmly. Flurry dropped his paws, regarding the Lupe suspiciously.

by battlesunn
Then There Were Six: Part Four

"I haven't found Iyana yet, but after her we'll need to check the Fountain Faerie and then find a way to figure out how those not in Faerieland have fared."

by jade_steel
The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Stolen Sharky - Part Four

I just spotted three different species in a few seconds and the tour boat is filled up. What's wrong with this picture?

by playmobil_is_my_life
Quest of Three: Part Four

"We'll have you free of that in no time, my friend," Darigan said reassuringly as he approached the Eyrie. "I've come to bring you home."

Also by Dreagoddess

by schefflera

The Beauty Shop of Horrors: Part Three

Sloth thought that using his codename was a brilliant idea, since obviously no one would figure out it was him. Well, of course, when he had his wig and make-up on no one would...

by blubblub317
Zor: Kidnapping - Part Three

Zor nodded and thought about the numbers. File numbers, no doubt. But how would she get the file? She couldn't get it without the proper clearance of Bipid and Bipid couldn't know about it.

by sirussblack
A Pirate's Life for Me: Part Three

That night Dani couldn't sleep. The rain pelted the window mercilessly, and she simply laid there listening. When she found that it was no use trying to go to sleep, she slowly pulled down the bed sheets, and climbed out of the cot.

by jennyfoos221
A Wizards Beginning: Part Two

Wizard? Him? No, that can't be possible. The same him who gets beat up by bullies almost daily and is picked on in school for reading. No, that couldn't be right.

by sirussblack
A Sparkle that Shone in Her Eyes: Part Two

"Grandmother, what happened to Nadia?" asked the blue Kacheek, now sitting on his grandmother's lap, hugging her tight around the waist. "And what about Frederick?"

by basketballnsoccer25
Savak: The Redemption - Part Two

Savak relaxed slightly as his pelt absorbed the warmth of the noonday sun. His thoughts drifted from Jessie to the medallion around his neck. He pawed at it as he thought of how much trouble he’d gotten into since he put it on....

by zephandolf
Encountering Wild: Part Two

"Hi," I said nervously and quickly flashed a smile upon my face. "Looks like you're awake now."

by christinetran
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"A Forgotten Friend" by fireyheartz
Something else in the box caught the faerie's eye. A purple leather bound book was buried under more school papers. Picking it up, she gently brushed off years of dust...

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A Forgotten Friend
"Oh my, a lot of these books really need to go. But where to begin?" she questioned herself. "Well, I'll just start… here!"

by fireyheartz


Zeke, Rupe and The Neopian 3000
Standing back and wiping his brow, the shadow Ruki gave his new creation a scrutinised once-over...

by tambourine_chimp


10 Things Neopets Do To Get Attention
I am here to inform you about bad things Neopets do. Remember, most of the time they do it for attention. But once in a while, remind them the difference between good attention and bad attention...

by patricia4112


99 Ways To Tell If You Are Addicted To NeoQuest II
Do you skip every other game…most especially flash ones, in favor of a certain game that is divided into five acts, chock-full of monsters, heroes and heroines and extremely challenging to your mind and fingers?

Also by chia625_2001

by precious_katuch14


Insanity Restored
What beautiful eyes...

by radditz


Senseless StafferZ
Help me find it :-(

Also by kikik312

by nano_cat

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