Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 96,313,980 Issue: 190 | 13th day of Hunting, Y7
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Sick of Being Sick?

With all the excitement, people are buying weapons, and training their Neopets excessively. The consequence? Many Neopets are finding themselves overly exerted and ill.

by daehder
What Does Your Avatar Say About You?

If you aren't caught up in the avatar craze, you may wonder what the big deal is. Well, there are lots of reasons to collect avatars...

by pianoru
Malicious Maraqua

The people of Neopia must be alerted to this terrifying new danger that lurks in Maraqua!

by aguachica
The JubJub's Soup Guide

Need Soups?

by bulfunny
Bank Bliss - A Trouble at the National Neopian Guide

You're innocently dropping off some hard-earned Neopoints at the National Neopian Bank.....ka-ching! No Tax Beast is gonna be dropping in on you anytime soon. Then, all of a lights flash, loud sirens go off...

by o_cymbeline_o
A Guide To Grand Theft Ummagine

Have you ever played this difficult game and thought, "Wha!? How am I suppose to even complete one level?" Or something along those lines?

by tj_babewithbrains
Scarblade - Really Evil?

Some think he is the best pirate to ever sail, some the worst. But they all agree on one thing: he is the evilest.

by elizabeth_somerset
Waves of War

Once again war looms dangerously close overhead and we sail into unfriendly seas. Some of you are veterans of many a battle. Some may have never even seen a weapon in your life...

by gryphon_2
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"Babysitting" by jalen1425
Liana is a purple Kacheek with an obligation in life to make her brother's existence miserable. Not that you'd tell by looking at her...

Other Stories


The Sea
I look to the shore now, past the foolish neopet who been delegated to the task of interviewing me. The beach is splendid in its horror, though it only looked like that to me...

by orginalcliche


The Road Home
My heart was racing-my big moment was coming. Even though I had rehearsed for weeks and performed on a regular basis, my stomach still churned with nerves and excitement...

by playmobil_is_my_life


Upon the Walls is a Powerful Rage: Part Two
When she arrived at her home, Mad and Jay were sitting on the porch, discussing something random. Beside them, were five cans of white paint and a tall ladder...

by shadih_temporary


The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Stolen Sharky - Part Five
The four of us started to casually walk down to the boathouse and we rounded the corner. The wooden building came into sight a moment later...

by playmobil_is_my_life


Ohemgee, a crossover!

Also by jupeboxgal

by floofeh_one


Random Woes
That'll teach 'em!

Also by Fetedieu

by breama

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