Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 96,313,980 Issue: 190 | 13th day of Hunting, Y7
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Short Stories

Vacation in the Space Station

Oh no, he thought. Please don’t let me end this way. Oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please…

by tiger_tabby
The Making of The Drenched

"Bad always comes in packages of three," a voice said in my head. "Just think of The Three and the Dark Faerie Sisters..."

by shadowcristal
The Road Home

My heart was racing-my big moment was coming. Even though I had rehearsed for weeks and performed on a regular basis, my stomach still churned with nerves and excitement...

by playmobil_is_my_life
A Surprising Surprise

"What, my birthday today?" Kat was saying. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go shopping!"

by precious_katuch14
A Piece of the Sky

Her wings, arms, and legs all seemed to be synchronized, making it look as if she was swimming through the sky. I was so transfixed in watching the beautiful dance I almost forgot I wanted to follow her.

by hottamale0774
Lilly and the Empty House

"This is so cool!" she thought to herself. "I'm actually taking care of the petpets without any problems! This is going so smoothly, that nothing could ever go wrong!" But she was about to be terribly wrong.

by glowgelert
A Dark Faerie's Decision

"Jhudora! Where have you been all day? I TOLD you, we have to practice summoning darkness some more! How are you ever going to become a great dark faerie if you don't even know how to do the easiest spells?"

by klein_mim
Collecting Bogie Sauce

Edna had no other choice; she desperately needed something of utmost importance and it could only be obtained at the stroke of dawn in the Deserted Fairground. The sticky substance was easily contaminated if not handled with care...

by kushbi

Liana is a purple Kacheek with an obligation in life to make her brother's existence miserable. Not that you'd tell by looking at her. She's very cute and puts on the angel-act for anyone she meets...

by jalen1425
The Sea

I look to the shore now, past the foolish neopet who been delegated to the task of interviewing me. The beach is splendid in its horror, though it only looked like that to me...

by orginalcliche
Search the Neopian Times


Waves of War

Once again war looms dangerously close overhead and we sail into unfriendly seas. Some of you are veterans of many a battle. Some may have never even seen a weapon in your life. But all of you will need to listen because it will be worth your time. War has come upon us and we are soldiers...

Other Stories


The JubJub's Soup Guide
Need Soups?

by bulfunny


Malicious Maraqua
The people of Neopia must be alerted to this terrifying new danger that lurks in Maraqua!

by aguachica


A Spooky Escapade: Part Two
The four pets walked up cautiously to the door, with Cunchicka lagging at the rear. Tidus slowly turned the knob and pushed the door open, peering into the darkness...

Also by pandabearb

by springsteen0991


The Missing Mint Kyrii Ice Cream: Part Two
"Hmm..." I said, trying to do a good detective imitation, "the information points to the fact that the missing Mint Kyrii Ice Cream was stolen about fifteen to ten minutes ago."

by shadowcristal


Wrooq The Red Wocky
Gimme a smile!

Also by WrooqComics

by lukeneedsatrim


Too Literal
How can she see me?

Also by starcaw

by hottamale0774

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