Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 189,010,903 Issue: 546 | 25th day of Hunting, Y14
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The Beauty Contest As We Know It

As simple and glamorous as it sounds, it may not quite be what you imagine.

by pynksoda
Unusual Foods: Cupcakes

A perfectly sweet and a perfectly strange list of unusual cupcakes for you to enjoy!

by ripplestream850
Where To Have A Party In Neopia?

The most critical decision to your party planning is location. This guide will cover the pros and cons of throwing a party in each land.

by kalila16
The Royal Items

The Royal Potionery, as the name suggests, is a potion shop located in Brightvale's heart and, much like the Scrollery or the Brightvale Motery, it sells this land's merchandise.

by _white_spirit_
Which Neopian Monarch Rules Your Life?

Answer these 10 questions and find out which Neopian ruler has the strongest influence on your life.

by anamya
Top 10 of the Best Neopoint and Neocash Frames

Here are ten of my favorite wearable frames you can use to dress up your special pet.

by lute248
The Owner’s Guide to Neopian Cooking

Neopets like home cooking. Sure, they enjoy pre-made food as well, but who doesn't love a good Cream of Asparagus soup?

by moonbunny__60
Neopia's Insight: Zafaras

I would like to kindly share with the rest of Neopia the amazingness of Zafaras.

by amberkad
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Neopia's Insight: Zafaras

To introduce a new series in the Neopian Times, Neopia's Insight, I have decided to kick off with a fabulous Neopet species: the Zafara. Zafaras are my all-time favorite so I would like to kindly share with the rest of Neopia the amazingness of Zafaras. I'll talk about Zafaras themselves, popular paint jobs, items, and MORE! Plus, there will even be a nifty quiz at the end to test YOUR knowledge on Zafaras. So, without further ado, enjoy Neopia's Insight, Zafara style...

Other Stories


Forever Blue
Once upon a time, there lived a little blue Gnorbu. His name was Indy, and he had never had an owner. Usually this did not bother him...

by sophieninetyfive


It was harder to say than I'd expected. It felt like someone had glued the words inside my mouth.

by hermione_890_neo


Greenglade: Part Six
"We can't do this by ourselves, so don't even go thinking it'll be just the two of us," Akorri muttered, a finger pointing at Lae in warning.

by aquadaika


Before the Thunder: Part Three
"You're... not from around here, are you?" she asked. Lightning rolled her eyes.

by theloverpokemonqueen


Mr. Slug vs Dr. Sloth 2
It was a victimless crime.

by supercheezee


2. Little Known Facts - Delina
A little disturbing...

Art by vampirebunny18

by sarcasticdeath

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