Meow Circulation: 189,010,903 Issue: 546 | 25th day of Hunting, Y14
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Short Stories

Misadventures of a Neopian Times Reporter VII

Of Fangirls and Missing Cities

by kristykimmy
Forever Blue

Once upon a time, there lived a little blue Gnorbu. His name was Indy, and he had never had an owner. Usually this did not bother him...

by sophieninetyfive
Escape from Virtupets Station

Behind every game is a programmer, behind every question there is an answer, and behind every logical statement there is an irrational response...

Also by sammy42004

by secant

Abandoned: Adoptees Don't Walk, They Fly

It was all because of that April Fool's joke. Can two pets with a shared past find a home?

by espeonrocks24
Her Words Destroyed My Planet

"After today I never want to see you again. Do you understand?"

by usulblue444
Sleeping Count Von Roo Beauty

"I need to see a doctor, regarding a matter of the utmost importance," he said...

by xbrandixx

It was harder to say than I'd expected. It felt like someone had glued the words inside my mouth.

by hermione_890_neo
The One Who Opted Out

He had done the same thing, every single month, every single week, every single day, for years.

But today is different.

by dragonair23

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Unusual Foods: Cupcakes

It came to my attention that there were a surprising amount of strange foods, especially cupcakes. With frosting and goodies on top sculpted to mimic different things, I felt my curiosity get the best of me, and I discovered new, interesting flavors. From sweet to spicy, I enjoyed many flavors as I searched further and further for different cupcake creations. The only thing to do next was record my thoughts for the next poor person with an over-powering sweet tooth! So...

Other Stories


Which Neopian Monarch Rules Your Life?
Answer these 10 questions and find out which Neopian ruler has the strongest influence on your life.

by anamya


Top 10 of the Best Neopoint and Neocash Frames
Here are ten of my favorite wearable frames you can use to dress up your special pet.

by lute248


Out of the Shadows: Part Eight
The Lutari gave Cobolt a stern look. "I'll deal with this. You go," she said, waving her wand again.

by rachelindea


The Grand Neopian Travelling Circus: Part Three
Tori had not been able to pay her bills on time for the third instance that month, and though Madam Amelie had insisted she'd rather Sinead come to ballet without paying than not and Tori insisted they would manage soon, it seemed like she might have to give up her lessons.

by frithy


At the Races
Why are all these Poogles running?

by wokitana


Grumpy Mr. Mynci
Lemonade for a good cause.

by cartooncarnival

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