For an easier life Circulation: 189,680,121 Issue: 557 | 10th day of Hiding, Y14
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Shop or Not: The Cleanliness of Neopian Shops

I have taken it upon myself, in good health I might add, to go around and check out the cleanliness of the shops in Neopia Central...

by oo_luckey_duckey_oo
To Bid or Not to Bid

Not much is known about the Auction House. No one knows the story of how it actually came into existence; has it always been there?

by lalichan0107
The Snowager Sleeps

The Snowager is a monstrous worm made completely out of ice who resides in his own personal cave in the Ice Caves in Terror Mountain.

by katelyn12697
Dueling Decks, a Trophy Guide – Going for the Gold

Have you ever played a game, tried your very hardest, thought you'd done really well, then visited the high score table only to find you are miles down it?

by daughters_ofthe_moon
Beating the Heat

It's a shame to waste the summer months dreading the heat after you've recently suffered through an entire frigid winter and rainy spring waiting for it, but there is nothing you can do about it.

...or is there?

by crrazay

Ice Cream

Ice cream is delicious no matter what the season or occasion and it always adds a nice touch of elegance and, most importantly, tastiness to just about any dessert platter.

by riptocs
Neopian Fashions Part 1: Brightvale

While Brightvale is home to anything and everything knowledgeable, is it also home to some of the finest fashions in Neopian history.

by petpet_master_
A Celebration of Intelligence

It's Brightvale Day. The time when the inhabitants of Brightvale get to have fun and celebrate.

by jamespongebob
The 5 Best Places in Brightvale

This week there is a very special holiday in the land of Neopia - the discovery of Brightvale! This prosperous kingdom is home to wise scholars and beautiful stained glass windows, lush green fields and a King who's the wisest of them all!

by omi_roxx
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"Winought" by crazy_holly_ii
They were the heads of their respective departments within the town, and, in the case of the Purveyor, the only member of the department. The Lord of the Things had a similar department to that of the Purveyor's, and it was much bigger. The Purveyor did not very much like the Lord. Together they made what could generously be called the town council. They made the decisions. They were not, very often, made in a timely manner...

Other Stories


An Empty Heart, A Lost Soul
"Come on, Rosie. You're next up on stage. You look perfect," the tall human girl said as she dragged me to the stage where I would be showing off for the Beauty Contest.

by allison_kitty11


Shadow of the Past
They say you can't go home again after a war.

by torkie10


Baby Adventures: The Mystery of the Fontaine Sisters - Part One
Treaphie grinned as she followed her older brother into the restaurant. "I can't believe we're at the Golden Dubloon!" the Baby Usul cried happily. "Arrrre ye excited, matey?"

by cloudpuffpuff


Kings and Curses: Part Eight
Jazan was the most powerful sorcerer that they had. If there was anything magical that could be done, he would be able to do it...

by saphira_27


P&P: Plushie Kau Plushie

Also by johnny_depps_girl101

by mumumuchan


Fruit Tree
The tree was talking, I tell you!

by thebusterbell

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