Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 189,680,121 Issue: 557 | 10th day of Hiding, Y14
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Continued Series

The Game of Master Hog: Part Eleven

'Predictable as ever, Judge Hog,' the deep voice of Lord Quai declared calmly, a trace of humour in his tone.

by d_morton
Kings and Curses: Part Eight

Jazan was the most powerful sorcerer that they had. If there was anything magical that could be done, he would be able to do it...

by saphira_27
Petpet Adventures: Mistress Maxie's Marvellous Circus - Part Nine

Eva's claws dug tightly into Max's shoulder, and she felt a bit faint as the land went past below them with alarming speed.

by rachelindea
Tales from Neopia Central: Part Four

Her staff knew all too well to leave her alone when she was in such a mood, so her butler Carson was a rare sight when he entered her study to deliver a letter.

by herdygerdy
The Almost Pound Escape... Or Something Like That: Part Five

"Oh, I can do worse," Dr. Death said, looking at me with a cruel grin.

by supergirl1057
Permanence: Part Three

"How exactly are two Pound pets going to help us?" Arie whispered in my ear.

"Just wait and see," I responded. I had confidence in these two.

by angelpuss535

My Name is Lavendrette: Part Three

Lavy jumped up, taking the blanket with her, and stuffed it quickly into her backpack. Without even any hesitation, she crawled onto the cold snow...

by i_love_my_kitty_4
Hero of Shenkuu: Part Three

They have the same fear and hatred in their eyes as the rest of my citizens, but it's dulled down because of their paychecks. I smile bitterly.

by encroached
Nightfall: Part Two

Lights from candles jumped within the homes and shops nearest to the gate. Grant swallowed hard. He wasn't getting a good feeling from Neovia.

by havittaa
Chronicles of the Chosen: Taking Flight - Part Two

I had timed my escape perfectly. Just as the intercom screeched for everyone to report to the Display Room...

by pretsel_is_back
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"With Intelligence Comes Ignorance" by jarm9
"Seriously, Viepe? Mystery of the Kougra Paw? You trying to rub it in my face or something?" Viepe shook his head furiously. "No! Never! I just want to see your face when you read it!" Teckno looked the book over, turning it to read the description in the back. Someone has stolen the precious gem and the only clue is a strange shaped Kougra paw print... "How much did this even cost?" he asked. "It's so cheap I only had to spend twelve neopoints on it..."

Other Stories


Shadow of the Past
They say you can't go home again after a war.

by torkie10


Together they made what could generously be called the town council. They made the decisions.

by crazy_holly_ii


Ice Cream
Ice cream is delicious no matter what the season or occasion and it always adds a nice touch of elegance and, most importantly, tastiness to just about any dessert platter.

by riptocs


The 5 Best Places in Brightvale
This week there is a very special holiday in the land of Neopia - the discovery of Brightvale! This prosperous kingdom is home to wise scholars and beautiful stained glass windows, lush green fields and a King who's the wisest of them all!

by omi_roxx


Odds&Friends: The Forgotten Shore...
Quit wondering and start plundering!!!

by bartongkillershrimp


Oh Em Gee, I'm M.S.P: Pranks

by shamaela

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