Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 196,761,390 Issue: 705 | 30th day of Collecting, Y17
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Trick-or-Treating Of Halloweens Past

Last year’s Halloween brought us back to the very basics with Trick-or-Treating. With us cycling back like that I thought it would be a good time to go over past Halloweens’ Trick-or-Treating to see how a simple event evolved over the years.

by pikachu315111
How to Get the Dr. Sloth Avatar! -- Sort of.

A great deal of Neopians these days are avatar collectors- and being an avatar collector means you have to be a Neopian jack-of-all-trades. However, there's one specific avatar that you're not going to find as a prize of a wheel, as a reward for a great Faerie Bubbles score, or even something you might fall upon in a shop. This avatar is completely out of your hands- and completely in the hands of Neopia's most evil, Dr. Sloth.

by tennesseethomas
Neopian Dining: “Trick-or-Treat” Edition

Welcome to an extra-spooky installment of Neopian Dining, where I take you around Neopia in search of its most amazing foods! Tonight, I’ll be putting the spotlight on the homes of Neopia’s best candy: the places where you can get the most for your Neopoint and ensure all your trick-or-treaters leave your porch happy!

by lycheeprincess
Halloween Costume Ideas: 11 Spooky Characters

It's that time of year again: the night seems a little bit darker, the air seems a little bit colder, and pets are dressing up in costumes to celebrate Halloween.Without further ado, here are 12 famous spooky characters that make some of the trendiest Halloween costumes this year.

Also by 1_ricky_1

by sacados

Halloween Customization

Halloween is almost upon us here in Neopia and all the witches, ghouls, and monsters will be coming out to play soon. To celebrate this spooky festivities, we've come up with six different looks for you to dress your Neopets for the special occasion.

Also by Greyfever

by yuri445

Spooky Foods – A Guide for Partygoers

Do you feel a sense of dread when friends invite you over for a traditional Halloween party? Does your stomach turn just thinking of Spooky Food? Fear not, this article will help you discern delicious treats from suspect meats as you navigate your way through a Spooky Foods buffet without upsetting your host.

by equinewhispers
Your Evil Wishes!

Tis the season for spooks and scares, for tricks and treats! I thought it would be appropriate to write an article for the Neopian Times all about the "evil" wishes we might have, wishes that we hope will come true despite their negative nature.

by indulgences
Splurge or Steal: Neohome 2.0 Halloween Decorating

Halloween is just around the corner, and many Neopians enjoy getting into the spirit by dressing up their Neopets, creating spooky avatar and font combinations, or decorating user lookups. While these are all fantastic ways to celebrate the occasion, Neopians often overlook their 2.0 Neohomes.

by a_ramsell
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Halloween Costume Ideas: 11 Spooky Characters

It's that time of year again: the night seems a little bit darker, the air seems a little bit colder, and pets are dressing up in costumes to celebrate Halloween. While you are trick-or-treating this year, keep an eye out for one of these Neopian figures who are wicked, dark, or just plain evil. Without further ado, here are 12 famous spooky characters that make some of the trendiest Halloween costumes this year.

Other Stories


Behind The Doors
There it is. The rusted door. The object of nightmares and hallucinations, and yet you stand right in front of it. Of course, whenever you're curious about something, it always leads to trouble in one form or another, you days of Neoschool being a prime example. But this time, it all started with a vacation.

by rainy_387


Phantom Pain
What I liked and disliked about life was that there were certain roads you were simply destined for. Some Ruki got easy ones. Others got twisting, winding ones. Yet others got foggy ones. Mine is a little bit of the last two, and it’s certainly not easy. I work at night as a Specter Specialist, or “secret spirit slayer,” as the children call it. They can call me anything they like, so long as it remains rumor.

by flufflepuff


The Amulet's Curse: Part One
She crept along the ice silently. One sound and she’d be discovered - all of their effort would be for nothing. Carefully, she thought as she delicately walked across the slippery floor. If something were to happen to her it would be all over, everything would be lost…

by corrina404


Fire-Born: Part Five
“That’s right, you understand now, don’t you?” Eithne said. She brought the hand with the stick backwards, and then whipped it forward. Vineti flinched, bracing herself for impact, but it never came. She opened her eyes again and saw that the stick was now lit, Eithne looking Smug. “Just as I thought.”

by goodsigns


You're Never Safe
Told you so.

by queen_potema


Fuzzeh Logic: Halloween
Plushies can be scary too!

by jackjack1234

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