Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 197,593,483 Issue: 991 | 8th day of Gathering, Y25
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Courage in the Kitchen with Chef Rootatouille

"So you’re nervous about fussing around in the kitchen, are you?"

by quillweave
Characters Who Could Have Their Usuki Doll Versions

"Usukis dolls are Neopia's most beloved collectibles. They're so popular and have such a legion of fans that the dolls even have their own exclusive store to sell these little darlings..."

by dinha_reeves
Is There a Plushie for That?

"What toys, I pondered, could I buy for them to play with and keep, collect even? The answer came easy to me: plushies."

by mimweimers02
5 Places to Take a Neo-Vacation

"I am sure you are just dying to go on your annual summer Neo-Vacation! This year I have compiled a list of great spots for you and your pets to consider going on a getaway to!"

by califorthehomeless
Dental Care 101: Basic Oral Hygiene

"No one wants to brush their teeth and there’s not a soul in sight who would willingly floss. But dental care is super important!"

by butterflybandage
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Dental Care 101: Basic Oral Hygiene

Listen. I get it. No one wants to brush their teeth and there’s not a soul in sight who would willingly floss. But dental care is super important! Did you know that most health issues could be fixed if only the sorry Neopian took better care of their teeth? I know that the Tooth Faerie has been away for a while and that everyone has been slacking—but she taught me a thing or two before she went on vacation, and I’m here to get everyone back on track to getting teeth so shiny, even Sloth would be jealous! My name is Harpedy, the Tooth Faerie’s newest (and most fashionable!) apprentice, and I’m here to give all you amazing Neopians some amazing advice on how to keeping your chompers happy, healthy, and shining! So why not take a few moments to see what I have to say? Dental Care 101 The most important thing about dental care is knowing what you’re taking care of! Everyone knows where their teeth are, but do you know why your teeth are? Teeth come in different shapes and sizes, perfectly adapted to the foods you’re trying to eat. Whether you’re a Grarrl who’ll eat anything, a Kyrii with a preference for fine dining, or a Lupe wanting to sink your teeth into a Chia … er, a Chia Biscuit, that is! Not all Neopians have the same dental care needs, but the advice I’m offering is generic enough that everyone should get some benefits from it. One important thing is to never put sharp objects in your mouth! Not only can you hurt yourself (sharp things are pointy!), but you could accidentally chip a tooth.

Other Stories


A Molten Friend
"It was dark when the little Starry Zafara awoke. A little too dark..."

by misspolar


Finding Community in Chocolate
"Niluw straightened her shirt out in the mirror. She adjusted her crown. She pushed down her pants. She fidgeted with her ears..."

by surging


Sands of an Hourglass
"A shy Meerca servant entered the throne room of the Kheruvian palace. Approaching the impressive throne and the intimidating Shadow Gelert, he said, 'Um, King Ammar?'..."

by nick_and_nickette


The Primordial Saga: A Faerie's Woe
"The sun had almost completely disappeared by the time they arrived at the entrance to the Neovian Catacombs, its crepuscular rays casting an eerie shade on..." Collab with knightwolfalex

by rurirawr


Life Improvised : Plans Change
Does travel insurance cover this?

by keng200


Eggstravagant Taste
Can you not? Collab with luc187

by kuroneko_kitty

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