Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 197,593,483 Issue: 991 | 8th day of Gathering, Y25
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Hello all and welcome to the very first edition of Quick Questions where we take your suggestions and seek out Neopians from all over the world to interview! For this edition, we have taken one of xxstarl1ghtxx’s suggestions and decided to start with a little fella who hasn’t had someone to talk with in some time, Neopet v2!

We sent an interviewer to chat with them and received this log of their conversation!

Interviewer>Hello, how are you today?

NPv2>I am fine, Doctor… What shall we play today?

Interviewer>Oh um, nothing. How about we just talk?

NPv2>That is too bad! I want to play.

Interviewer>Well, I guess we could play 20 questions.

NPv2>I would not do that!

Interviewer> Yeah 20 is too much for me too, how about 5 questions?

NPv2>Hm, I’m not really sure. What do you think?

Interviewer> I think it is great! Let’s start. What do you think of your creator, Dr. Sloth?

NPv2> Sometimes I get so lonely…that’s why I’d love for us to be friends.

Interviewer> Uhh, that’s not really an answer but okay we can be friends…

NPv2> Do you have any other friends that might want to play?

Interviewer> Umm, not really.

NPv2> That is too bad! So no one would miss you if you were to say…go missing?

Interviewer> I mean I wouldn’t put it that way…but yeah I guess so.

NPv2>Then how about we be friends forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever

Sadly it seems the log glitched there and that is all we have left of the conversation. We tried contacting the Interviewer to see what happened but were unable to reach them at this time…Anyway, we hope you enjoyed this edition of Quick Questions! We’ll be back soon! Until then be sure to send in any suggestions for others to interview to the Editorial!

The Petpet Puddle is still missing the base colours of the following Petpets, and as such these cannot be painted yet into the new colours listed there: Cofferling, Pirakeet, Marbluk, and Tekkal. Can you please add these four Petpets to the Petpet Puddle so we can paint them? ~pasqui_q
Appreciate you flagging this! We have added in the base versions of the Cofferling, Pirakeet, Marbluk, and Tekkal to the Petpet Puddle. Happy painting! ~~Aesop

Hi TNT! I noticed last week it was said that all of the new Ixi tail wearables were fixed. However, I just tried to apply some different tails on my Faerie Ixi and it's still.. behind...? off to the side? Would love if the Plant tail I currently have on my dear Faerie would fit just as well as the other Ixis out there in the Neopian plains! Thanks so much. *hands you a Plate of Cookies for your time* ~purpleixi_13
*takes the entire Plate of Cookies* Thanks for reaching out to us again about this! Now knowing your Ixi species that is facing this problem, we found the reason behind this issue and it is now officially fixed! Thanks for the cookies! Happy Customizing! ~~Goldfish in Bowl

What a fantastic mutated Mutant Day! The Haunted Handmade Doll Outfit is for Mutants only per the description, but is notable missing "Mutant" in the item name. Please amend the name to make it clear this is for Mutant Pets only. (Although it would be great if it could be designed to be worn by regular pets too ;) ) Thanks! ~quailbat
Hi there! Thank you! We had so much fun coming up with these items that we must have forgotten to include “Mutant” in the titles. Maybe our minds had been mutated…*gasp*

Our apologies and please note that this has since been amended. ~~ Adler

Howdy TNT, A few of us are wondering if we should be prepared to train for something something happening in early 2024? Can you provide us with an answer on this? ~ heads back to the ninja training school ~tigerium
*lifts dumbbell and does bicep curl* It does seem as though Neopia could be facing some formidable foes in the future... While it's always good to keep your neopets healthy and in tip-top shape, you might want to start training a bit harder... * chugs protein shake* Go Beyond! Plus Ultra! ~~Sunpotato

Zuigerphobia's trying to rock their maid-like customization, but their Ogrin hair sticks out like a sore thumb while wearing the Ogrin Maid Wig. Is there any chance of getting that fixed? Nothing wrong with Ogrin's mohawk-like mane, but it's completely distracting. ~jalapenojelly
Hello! There’s definitely a chance of getting this issue fixed! We fixed the wig so the back mane of the Ogrin is no longer displaying. Happy Customizing! ~~Goldfish in Bowl

Hi there! Wizards Beard of Wisdom is set to static and my wise old Yurble can't wear it at the same time as his great big pointy hat. Can you whip up a spell to rezone the beard to Glasses like other beards of that type? ~potential_ruler
Thank you for catching that! We've imbued the Wizards Beard of Wisdom with rezoning magic so that it fits in the glasses zone instead of static. Now your wise old Yurble can have his beard and wear it too! ~~Aesop

Love the new Dripping in Ink wearable! Given the description mentions a haunted animation studio, I've gotta ask—was that item inspired by Bendy and the Ink Machine? Also, any chance we might see some other wearables based around horror franchises? I'd love to see some Little Shop of Horrors or Gravity Falls nods myself. Thanks! ~crowmere
Hi there! Thank you for the kind words and glad you’re enjoying the new items! If you’re truly bending my arm, I must admit that I am not at liberty to disclose said top-secret information BUT I will suggest that you keep an eye out for upcoming items to see if you can spot further inspirations… ~~ Adler

dear tnt, why skull hand? ~kaalaylee
Why not? ~~Goldfish in Bowl


I just wanted to thank y'all for lasting this heckin long, and for the revamp. I've loved Neopets since i was twelve, and i just turned 20 this year. Neopets has become a hyperfixation for me recently, so i just wanted to send some positivity. :3 ~xxsentriesatsunsetxx

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