The label Gross Foods may be misleading. Many of these foods will not gross out many Neopians. There are other foods that are on the same level or worse than many Gross Foods. Parts on a Pizza, for example, is much grosser than a Chocolate Duck Rump but perhaps on the same level as a Brain Kebab, and that is a Spooky Food. Here is my take on Gross Foods...
Nightmare of the Full Moon Without warning a shadowy figure descended on
her. She snarled, her claws flashing. A shaft of moonlight revealed a brown
Lupe, laughing...
A Mutant Chia's Uber-Spiffy Guide to Pillow Fighting You turn your back for 2
seconds to shut the door, turn the lights on and start discoing with your Gruslen.
But all of a sudden…..WHAP! You've been hit in the back of the head with
a pillow by one of your younger siblings!
How to: Earn 1000 NP for Every Game of Snow Wars II This is a timed game with the objective
of protecting 5 snowmen from Snow Beasts and Lupes. To protect these snowmen you
need to build a snow fortress around them.
Return of the Double Agent: Part One The shady blue Zafara walked through the corridors of
Meridell Castle, drawing her hood over her eyes. Every time a guard would stop
her and ask what she was doing there, she would produce a written letter with
the seal of King Skarl on it...