Battle Quills... ready! |
Circulation: 176,283,163 |
Issue: 349 | 27th day of Relaxing, Y10 |
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Headlines "A Kind Act" by sheyda_sheyda "I guess you're out of luck!" the Bagatelle owner said in reply to the frustrated Blumaroo's sigh. He snickered as the neopet rambled away slowly, towards the Coconut Shy, where he would only lose the rest of his NP. The Lupe could never understand why no one realized that everything here was rigged. That was the last pet in line, but he decided he would wait a few minutes to see if he could salvage a few more...
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Altador Cup III Aren't you going to cheer and applaud? SHOW ME SOME TEAM SPIRIT, YOU USELESS SACK OF MARROWS.
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